Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 7431: I can't live this day.

Chapter 7431 has no way to go this day.

The red dragonfly is almost mad!

Too bully!

No such thing as her!

If she couldn’t finish the problem in her life, wouldn’t it be a million miles away? !

She must have deliberately digged it, hate that it has been cheated so many times, even stupid, it’s fooled!

It slammed the bones back together and gave the leg bones angrily under the anger.

"You, do you have a conscience that will not hurt? I am very good at you, you lied to me again and again, you are not a person! You are a devil!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he chuckled: "Bone is fine, whoever is qualified to blame me, only you do not have this qualification!

At the beginning, you pitted me in a secret world. Do you think I have amnesia?

Far away, let's say that this time, in the Qiankun Grottoes, you still don't want to kill me, I don't hang you in the pit? !

You have to blame you for being stupid!

But also, you have no brain at all, where can you be smart? ! ”

The red suffocation has to fall apart again!

This day can't be over!

"You are not afraid that I will tell you nothing in the future? You are not afraid to lose me?" Red grievances.

At the beginning of the cloud, he kicked the **** with his toes and smiled and said:

"I just teased you to play! How can I only give you a spar!

So, I will give you one hundred, no, I will give you a thousand, soothe your injured little heart. ”

The red rumor immediately reorganized the bones and stretched out the bones: "Get it!"

At the beginning of the cloud, it gave it a thousand spar. The red is beautiful and the spar is put into its storage space.

"This is almost the same, I am forgiving you."

At the beginning of the cloud, he smiled and said: "I still have something to do. You should go back to my eyebrows first, lest you smoke for a while and they will find you."

The red 骷髅 骷髅 屁 颠 颠 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻

After a while, it was only after the reaction, I was not right!

Say good one million, how to give it only a thousand, it is grateful to Dade?

What's special, it's pitted again!

It’s just hard to prevent!

After the cloud blew the red 骷髅, I recalled the clues I saw today, calculated the rhetoric, and took out the map hook and painted for a while, then I rested.

Early the next morning, Yunchu had eaten breakfast to see the wind patriarch.

The wind patriarch was a little surprised. He had thought that the beginning of the cloud was delayed by reason, and certainly would not come to see him so soon.

"The wind patriarch, you called the big elders, I have important discoveries."

Although the wind lord did not believe that she could find out so soon, she still called the elders.

The elders of the wind three eagerly asked: "Small girl, what did you find? Could you find the place where the wind family is?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he smiled and said: "I don't have such a big skill. I just found out some clues that you have mastered."

"Then what did you find? Hurry and talk." Although the wind elders were somewhat disappointed, but they thought that they had not found it for so long. How could she find a yellow-haired girl easily? !

Yunchu continued to say: "I remember that there is such a record on one of the sheepskin rolls. The baby that was originally sent out, there are a few people who are nine fingers or even eight fingers. Why do you say this?"

(End of this chapter)

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