Chapter 7432 Details

When I heard the question of the beginning of the cloud, the elders of the wind three immediately said:

"There is something weird about this. It may be natural. It may also have suffered accidents during the transmission process, so it lacks fingers or toes."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. "Don't say this question for a while. I also saw that one of your ancestors was talented but not very good.

Fear of cold and chills, even in the midsummer, you must wear a skin to keep warm, can you have this? ”

The wind lord and others looked at each other. The elders said suspiciously: "Where did you see it? Why didn't we see it?"

At the beginning of the cloud, the wind lord took out the information and found one of the worn-out sheepskin rolls. After turning it over, he pointed to one place:

"Look, this is the time when the predecessor named Feng Anhan and several other seniors explored a mysterious land. They encountered a demon plant capable of launching a stinger. One of the poisonous thorns was shot. He, fortunately, because he was wearing a skinny chilly, he was not poisoned.

And you look at the records on the previous pages. This is the midsummer. Others wear nothing but a single coat. ”

The wind patriarch and other people looked at the horror. Yesterday, I saw this little girl and looked at it quickly. Can I still notice such small details?

These people have looked at dozens of times or even hundreds of times, but they have not noticed this little detail.

However, what is the purpose of her mention of this matter?

Yunchu took out a map, which was marked with red and black.

"Look, the place I crossed out with a brush is the place you have explored, and the rest is our goal.

Among them, the focus of our exploration should be the ones I circled with the cinnabar. ”

The wind lord and other people quickly went to see the places that were circled, and the elders of the wind were chanting:

"Ice of the ice, the snowy snow, the ice caves, the extremely cold wilderness, the snowy hole of the year? How are the places where you circle are extremely cold?"

The climate in this place is extremely bad. How can anyone survive? ! Are you kidding? ”

The wind lord said thoughtfully: "Do you suspect that the baby was born with fingers and toes that were frozen?

There is also the wind and cold ancestor is the time of transmission because of the cold and hurt the foundation? So you suspect that the wind family is trapped in a cold place?

It’s just that the places you sketched are really not suitable for survival. Are they really trapped? ”

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. "Yes, I do have this suspicion.

You have neglected that the trapped Wind's bereaved family is not living in these places, but is trapped in somewhere in the enchantment or something.

Otherwise, it is good to rush out with their cultivation. Why bother to borrow the space of the Qiankun Grotto? !

Therefore, the so-called severe cold outside did not affect them. They did not know that the outside was so cold, so even if they had warm clothes for the babies, they did not take any further measures to prevent cold.

This led to the frostbite of some of the babies, and some may even be frozen to death.

Of course, I rely not only on these clues, but mainly on the occasion of a white space in my dreams. Now I think it should be a hint to me. ”

In the early days of the cloud, the red heart in the eyebrows is dark, obviously it is its credit, and now all of them are on her own head, hehe! shameless!

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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