Chapter 7447 Compensation

After the elders of the wind three said the situation, they immediately went to the wall with the wind and other patriarchs.

I saw the beginning of the cloud lying on the back of the swallowing beast and basking in the sun, chewing on the dried meat, and leisurely and leisurely.

The mood of the wind lord and others was suddenly subtle. They worried about it for so long, and as a result, people did not have anything!

This feeling can't be described in words.

The red-haired monster saw the wind patriarch and others, and said coldly: "Look at the face of the little girl, I can no longer hold you to steal the soul of the refining soul, but you must give us compensation."

The wind patriarch is naturally full of promises. This matter was originally the loss of the wind family. If it is possible to solve the problem peacefully, it is best.

Red Monster saw him agree, and continued: "The soul of the refining soul is invaluable, so this compensation is much more natural.

So, you give me 100 heavenly herbs plus 10 billion spar, this is not a problem! ”

The wind lord almost fell off the wall!

Ten billion crystal spar? Even if they have hollowed out the old bottoms of their survivors, they can't get 10 billion spar!

At this time, the cloud was unhappy and said: "Red Monster, don't you go too far, 10 billion? Why don't you grab it?!"

The red-haired monster said coldly: "If you don't confess, you can steal. You can make things to steal. What do I have to do wrong?!

Also, don't think that you have helped us with our little help, you can tell me! If you don't know anything, I will change my mind and let you go into town. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I had to shut up and not talk, and I couldn’t help myself.

Although the wind lord wondered what the cloud was doing, he didn’t bother to ask these questions, and he said:

"Ten billion is too much, we really can't get it, can we have less?"

The red-haired monster screamed two times, and the other three swallowing beasts also screamed, and the windy patriarch and others trembled.

The red-haired mob said impatiently: "These people of your demon family are the most shameless. When stealing things, they are active. When they compensate, they push the three.

Forget it, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. So, since you don't have so many spar, give us three hundred heavenly herbs, one billion spar! ”

The wind patriarchs and others looked at each other, although there were a lot of reliefs, but this is also quite a lot!

But they also know that if they don't agree, I am afraid that the patience of the swallowing beast will be exhausted.

Forget it, since they are in the first place, let's get some blood out of the blood, and then avoid being afraid.

Therefore, the wind lord nodded and agreed.

Immediately, the Windsman grew an unnamed city and handed the spar and the herb to the red-haired monster.

The red-haired monster has a huge body shape and its own storage space is very large, but there is still no way to put a billion spar.

Fortunately, it also brought three men, and finally put a billion of spar and herbs into the storage space.

"Red-haired monster, if your business is done, can you let me go back to the city?" asked Yun Yun, sitting on the back of the red-haired monster.

The red moustache sneered: "Of course I can put it, but I am afraid that the people of the wind family will attack me, so I have to take you as a hostage, wait for me to be farther away from the city, and then put you down."

The little face of the cloud was immediately gloomy, but did not say anything.

The wind lord and other people think that this is normal. This time, unlike the last time, the swallowing soul search did not come with the monster army, and naturally they must be prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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