Chapter 7448 is almost worth it.

The red-haired monster immediately ran away from the clouds at the beginning of the cloud.

The elders of the wind three immediately said: "The patriarch, or else we send people to go? The swallowing beast does not eat the little girl."

The wind patriarch immediately shook his head: "If we send people to follow, it will annoy the swallowing beast, and it is better to wait and see."

In addition, I swear that the swallowing beast is much more savvy than when I came last time. Maybe there will be volts in front, so I still don’t want to rush forward.

You can rest assured that I don’t think it’s like a fear, it should be fine. ”

The elders of the wind listened to him, and he had to give up and look at the distance with his neck.

At this point, the red-haired monster has rushed out of the black heart and ran out for dozens of miles.

The beginning of the cloud came down from the back of the red-haired monster, and smiled and said: "I didn't expect your acting skills to be very good! There is a future!

I can't let you perform in white. Spar is not very useful to you, but the herb is still useful. So, give you two hundred herbs, the right to be your hard work. ”

Although the red-haired mobs think that the beginning of the cloud is purely a fool, but when they think of it, they will no longer have to suffer from the soul of the refining soul. This is not easy to throw into the clouds.

Besides, people have not returned it to 200 herbs! Almost got it!

If she annoyed her, she would burn it with the soul of the refining soul.

As a result, both parties happily completed the delivery.

Black Heart Nine looked at the spar that was piled up in the storage ring, and I just had to laugh at it!

The old man of the wind's bereaved family still wants to take her to worship the sky? The pit does not die for them!

After the goods left the red-haired mobs, they rushed back to the unknown city.

The wind lord and others know that one billion crystal spar has entered the pocket of this goods, and she has welcomed her into the unnamed city with concern.

When I arrived at the study of the wind patriarch, the elders of the wind couldn’t wait to ask:

"Little girl, you are going to talk about it, what do you do with the swallowing beast? What do you do to help the swallowing beast? Why are they willing to let you back?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I was embarrassed: "I have sweared in the face of the swallowing beast and can't say what happened, otherwise they won't let me go, so I can't tell you what happened.

However, you can rest assured that those who are swallowing souls are really planning to end this grievance and will not come back to trouble. ”

Although the wind patriarchs and others are trying to know if they are scratching their hearts, they are not forced to force them. After all, people have made poisonous oaths.

Of course, it is also because they are still counting on Yun early to take them to look for the survivors of the wind, otherwise they will not let her send a poisonous oath.

At the beginning of the cloud, he yawned and said: "I haven’t slept well in these two days. I will go to sleep first. When I wake up, let us discuss other things."

The wind lord and other people are also not good at blocking. They have to watch the cloud and yawn while they have left the study room.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t go to the guest house, and the boots came over, and the relatives smashed the skirt of the early clouds.

In the beginning of the cloud, the soul of the refining soul in the right hand of the heart is arrogant, and hey, how is this ugly ugly collection of unreliable things? !

It used to be a stupid stupid dog. Now there is still a boot?

It is considered a blood mold, how can I sign a contract with her for a while? !

I don't know if she can resist the thunder, if it can't, it will be mad!

It has been displayed normally.

(End of this chapter)

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