Chapter 7588 is not a bit majestic

At the beginning of the cloud, he sighed: "Well, then I will release it again, but only once, or else it will affect our overall situation."

At the same time as the cloud talks, he uses the gods to say to the red dragonfly: "Come out again!"

Red armor is dead, how is the appearance fee calculated? If you don't explain it, it won't go out!

At the beginning of the cloud, you can pump straight!

This **** bone is more greedy than her!

Since it is necessary to pretend that the bones of the heavens are naturally loaded, I want to ask her twice for money?

However, she has no time to clean up it, first promise it, wait for the bones and let it spit out the benefits.

Thinking of this, she said with the gods: "You can rest assured that this time will give you 100,000 spar!"

When I heard the red one, I immediately flew out of my eyebrows.

Of course, this product is still very professional, and the shape is exactly the same as last night.

The Skeleton Beast was obviously shocked. He stepped back a few steps and looked at the red stunned in surprise.

This, is this really the bone of the sacrifice?

Is the wolf bone beast true? As long as you use this thing to sacrifice the day, the seal will be invalid.

When the skeletal beast was suspected, the red cockroach had already drilled back into the eyebrows of the cloud.

The face of the cloud was very pale, his forehead was covered with sweat, and even some stood unsteady, leaning against the wolf bones.

Wolf bone beast: "..."

Is it now a little majestic?

Why is this stinky head not afraid of it? Still dare to rely on it?

The wolf bone beast has a heart slap in the air to fly her, but see her half dead and alive, and endure.

At the beginning of the cloud, a large amount of medicinal herbs was swallowed, which said:

"Two adults, no! The power of chaos in my body is almost exhausted. If I can't quickly add some, I am afraid that there will be problems with the bones of the heavens.

You have to think about ways, I, I have to faint! ”

After the goods were finished, a slamming sound fainted.

Because she leaned on the wolf bones before, so even if it fainted, it slowly fell to the ground, and did not fall.

This goods are fine!

Acting, she does not want to fall out of the head of a big bag.

Not only that, she also gave the body control to the dog's tail grass. In the eyes of the wolf bone beast and the skeleton bone beast, it seems that the cloud has been out of breath!

"Hey! Hey! Hee hee..." The wolf-bone beast is screaming at the bone-bone beast. It is estimated that the general idea is to blame it for owing children to the child's bones. This is good, the little girl is dead. !

Their dream of going out is shattered!

The sacral beast screamed a few times. It is estimated that it is just a look. Is it still dead? Also too weak chicken!

At this time, Yunchu took back the control of the body, opened his eyes, and said with anger:

"Fast, give me the power to add chaos, or else I can't hold it."

The wolf-bone beast immediately bowed his head, and the huge head kept approaching towards the beginning of the cloud.

Cloud early: "..."

Lying in the trough!

This stupidity is not going to give her a personal breath?

As it turns out, Black Heart Nine obviously wants more, and the wolf-bone beast is only telling whether it is true or not.

There are dog tail grasses and black beads. The wolf bone beast naturally does not see any flaws. It screams a few times at the impatience of the skeleton bone beast.

The skeletal beast was quite a bit mad, but it still came out of the beast.

Not long after, it was thrown to the cloud with a red bone.

Cloud early: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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