Chapter 7589 is a loss of self-interest

At the beginning of the cloud, there was some embarrassment. If she did not understand the mistake, the skeletal beast had just gone out and slaughtered one of her squad-level men, just to give her a red bone crystal?

Hey, what a noble spiritual realm!

Typical damage to others! It’s so touching!

Although the goods are very rich in inner drama, there is some dullness on the surface, and I don’t seem to know what to do.

"Hey! Hey!" The wolf beast was impatient and screamed twice.

At the beginning of the cloud, it seems that I suddenly realized that I picked up the red bone crystal, struggling to sit up, and then began to absorb the power of chaos in the red bone crystal.

Almost a blink of an eye, the red bone crystals become a powder.

The wolf bone beast and the skeletal beast are so sluggish, how can they absorb it so quickly?

Is it because of the bones of the heavens?

They originally had some doubts about the beginning of the cloud, but now they believe a few points.

Because, even if they can't absorb it so fast, let alone the little waste of this gods.

The face of the cloud is slightly better than before, but it is still a pale face, and the body is trembling, and it seems to be fainting at any time.

The wolf bone beast licked the skeletal beast: "Hey, hey!"

That means, what are you doing, continue to kill!

The skeletal beast is almost vomiting blood!

It also has a total of six warrior-level bone beasts. It has already been slaughtered one by one, and is still slaughtered?

Didn't kill it, who is it? !

As for the warrior-level bone beasts, the roots are not within the scope of the skeleton bones, and their bone crystals are of no use.

Although Yunqiu did not understand what they called, but also guessed it, the heart said, stupid! Bring a grandmother to the bone spring!

Soak in it and recover in a while!

However, this product does not dare to say, if it is said, it will inevitably cause the suspicion of these two skull beasts.

The two skulls were confronted for a while, and finally the skeletal beast went out unwillingly.

After a while, I lost it to the red bone of the cloud.

Black Heart Jiu took it in the past, and the goods felt almost the same. It was useless to continue loading. It is estimated that the Skeletal Animals will not be able to slaughter.

Although her face is still a little pale, it is much better than before.

Her eyes were red and she said with a crying voice: "The two adults are really good to me! It is much better than the dragons and the family of the dragons!"

You can rest assured that I must cultivate the bones of the heavens and never let down your expectations. ”

The skeletal beast listened to her, and the anger in her heart dissipated a little.

At the beginning of the cloud, Ba Baba’s eyes said:

"The two adults, I have to explain in advance that there is a lot of chaos in the bones of the sacrifice of the heavens. It is certainly not enough to rely on my own cultivation.

Otherwise, you let me go, I am going to rob the site of the nearby king-level bone beast at night? ”

"Hey! Hey..." The wolf beast was fiercely called.

The grievances of the face of the cloud at first glance: "Wolf adults, what I said are true, or else I will not blame your chaos in the morning!"

Also, the bones of the sacrifice of heaven not only absorb the power of chaos, but also absorb my vitality. ”

Having said that, she smiled:

"You may not know that when I sacrificed the heavens to sacrifice the heavens, it was also the day of my death, but as long as I can take revenge, I will not care so much!"

The wolf-bone beast and the skeletal beast look at each other. This stinky skull is sincere in revenge! Don't even have a life?

(End of this chapter)

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