Chapter 7598 is bad

At the beginning of the cloud, the frowning frowns, and the emperor Cheng Feng, they are cut off, it doesn’t matter, is there any danger?

However, she carefully pondered, it does not matter.

Those empire-level bone beasts can not leave this area, their men have been robbed in the past, the main goal is to bone crystal, as long as the emperor Feng Feng they do not take the initiative to provoke, they will not be shot.

The first element of the cloud took the time to look at the elements, and there were less than three hours when it was going to be dark. I am afraid that there will be no bones today.

After all, it takes time for those warlords to go back, and it takes time for their men to robbery in the past.

I don't know if the stalking bone beasts will be evacuated at night. If they leave, are they staying here or are they slipping away?

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it. I decided to stay here for a few days and then say that one is to stabilize those bone beasts, and the other is to take the opportunity to get some bones.

The bone spring is not expected now, but can only retreat to the next, get some bone crystal to make up.

Oh, I don’t know if the bone spring was originally like this, or what happened to it, how did it become a big pit? It’s really bad!

Red 骷髅 feels that they are also very bad!

It is also the bone of the sacrifice of heaven and the spirit of the cave. The result is that together with the 30,000 spar, when will the remaining spar give it?

This stinky head will not be in doubt?

It’s a pity that there’s a stalk outside, it’s not the time to ask for it.

After a while, let the unexpected things happen at the beginning of the cloud.

Like the bone beast, he sent a pile of bone crystals, although there was only one red bone crystal inside, and the rest were white bone crystals, but the number was really a lot, and its men robbed back so soon?

It shouldn't be!

However, when she saw the like-like look of the bone-beast, she suddenly understood!

These bone crystals must have been slaughtered by their own beasts. It is estimated that they are afraid of "soul spirit" to hate it before it sneezes. This is to plead guilty.

I have to say that the brains of these warrior-level bone beasts are still sufficient.

At the beginning of the cloud, a few words were casually perfunctory, nothing more than the words of the cave spirits who would not care about small things.

The elephant bone beast is relieved.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was not polite, and I absorbed all the bones.

When there was another hour in the dark, the stalking bones and animals were withdrawn.

At the beginning of the cloud, I blinked and went away?

It seems that even the War Emperor Bone Beast has jealousy at night, but I don't know what consequences they will have if they stay outside.

Yunchu started to stand up, and deliberately went to the place where the bone beasts were hiding before, to confirm that the bone beasts really left, and then returned to the bone spring.

She blocked her body and took the smoldering soul from the soil into the palm of her right hand.

She squinted at the bottom of the pit, would you like to go down and see?

Finally, the cloud is still decided to go down and see some clues.

The wall of the pit was fairly flat, and the cloud was not used by the tools, and it was carefully lowered to the bottom of the pit.

The bottom of the pit is soft sand, and the cloud has been dug down a few feet with a shovel. It is also sand.

She did not give up, and ran to other places to dig a few places, still so.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn't help but sigh. It seems that there is no drama!

At the beginning of the cloud, when you look at the hour, you will enter the night in about a quarter of an hour. Don’t climb up, stay safer in this pit than above.

At the beginning of the cloud, there was still light, and a meat buns were picked up.

(End of this chapter)

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