Chapter 7599 Accounting

At this time, the red dragonfly flew out of her eyebrows, and lowered her voice and said: "No one is now, give money quickly!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he glanced at it and said with the gods: "You can, but we have to calculate it first."

The red screamed coldly: "Is there anything to be calculated? I remember it! The wolf beast once, the skeletal beast once, the skeletal beast once, plus today, a total of four times, 400,000!"

"Then, how do you count this thing because the bone beast sneezes?" The cloud was faint.

The red glimpse, this thing is really a loss, think about it, the meat said: "That is three times!"

"What you said is light. If it wasn't for me, I would have died because of your mistakes! So I won't count it twice, but only twice." Yun said coldly.

Red 骷髅 is arguing, but there is a little lack of confidence, so I have to compromise: "Well, 200,000 is 200,000, give money!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded and immediately transferred the spar to the red enamel.

"Isn't that good 200,000? How is it only 100,000?"

The beginning of the cloud hooked the corner of the mouth: "Before the soul of the refining soul helps you play, do you think it is white help?

I have already given you the money for it. Originally it cost 200,000 spar. I will help you with your feelings. This will give you a double discount. ”

Red 骷髅: "..."

You are cheating!

The idiot of the refining soul will have a lion with a mouthful of 100,000 spars? It is clear that this stinky head is deducted by itself!

Too bad! Even the money is pit!

The red 骷髅 is arguing, but when I think of the painful lessons of the past, I feel that it is still a problem. Otherwise, the 100,000 people who have even reached the hand will have to be ruined.

Thinking of it, it hates to say: "Since you are so careless, next time you give me how much money, I will not work with you again!"

The red cockroach finished, and angered back to the eyebrows of the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, he slammed his mouth and did not take the threat of the red scorpion seriously. For the red cockroach, as long as the money is enough, it will selectively forget what was said.

At this time, the surrounding area suddenly fell into a darkness and death, and the night of the bones came.

When Yunchu was thinking about whether to eat a fruit after a meal, it sounded a plop in the distance.

Although the sound is not too big, but because of the silence at this time, it is also very clear.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was shocked. I quickly caught the broken sword in my hand. What?

She can't care about the stuffing and stuffing, and let the soul of the refining soul illuminate. Unfortunately, the places that can be photographed are limited, and no abnormalities are found.

She had to use the gods to ask the dog's tail grass: "Do you see what it is?"

Dog tail grass really did not see, this goods just listened to the cloud and the red beggar bargain, my heart is sour, I feel that the red-hot head of these two days is better than it.

Therefore, this goods has been narcissistic to appreciate their own grass leaves, ignoring the situation outside.

At this point, it looked around with the cloud's first look and found nothing.

At the beginning of the cloud, he frowned and put the dog's tail out of the grass. He said, "I stared at it all around. I think something is wrong."

The dog's tail is too busy to agree, and the opportunity for the dog's tail to show its power is here!

When the dog's tail was smashing, I didn't know what was being smashed, smashed and dissipated.

This cargo suddenly thought of a poem that Yunchu taught him to:

The teacher did not give up and died first, and the hero made tears full!

Continue at three o'clock and update eight chapters today. System upgrades can't be commented for a while, and should be able to recover in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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