Chapter 7620, Chapter 2, the trick of the dog

At the beginning of the cloud, I glanced at the red squint and said with the gods: "If I take it down, can you catch it?"

The red hoe's **** immediately shook like a rattle, and whispered: "Of course there is no way! This thing is very powerful at first glance, I am not its opponent.

Besides, how do you bring it down? ”

"This is simple. Since it is because of the blood that has contaminated my blood, I think my blood is very attractive to it.

I just need to hurt myself, give off blood, and it should come over.

But if there is no way to catch it, I don't have to do it. "The beginning of the cloud said.

The red rumor is quite a bit regrettable, it is really no way, or it must be said.

At this time, the two dogs squinted at the dog's eyes and said: "Little fairy, others may not be able, you should be able to."

At the beginning of the cloud, "What do you mean?"

"Little fairy, you have no sword embryo!

When you think about it, you are in the channel, let the dog's tail grass and black beads force, do you not come out of the channel? !

This shows that as long as they are both willing to contribute, you can inspire the power of the space of the sword.

The one that is afraid of the stone is the power of space. When it falls, you let the dog's tail grass and black beads force, and maybe you can trap it.

At that time, you will contract it with the contract of the beast, and then you will not be able to put it on the ring of the beast. I will not believe it. A broken stone can turn the sky! "The two dogs said arrogantly.

The second dog's words are exported, not to mention the beginning of the cloud, even the red dragonfly is eye-catching to it, hey, I have to say that the two dogs' brains are really good.

Of course, the mood of the dog's tail grass and black beads is not so good.

What's special, it's hard to add a bit of chaos, is this wanting them to spit it out?

Damn two dogs!

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it. I can try it, just in case!

So, she said to the dog's tail grass and black beads: "You have heard the words of the two dogs? Just follow what it says."

As for the power of your lost chaos, wait until you have received the Shoushi, let it open the enchantment below, and you will absorb more.

In addition, the bone is likely to be a small white face, if you do not force, don't blame me for black. ”

The dog's tail grass and black beads immediately trembled and did not dare to refuse.

After the initial arrangement of the cloud was completed, the porcelain bottle that was squeezed yesterday was taken out and applied to the hands and face.

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and cut a few knives on his arm. The cave smelled a strong **** smell.

The red dragonfly looked at it aside, and this little girl could be so embarrassed about herself. It was a curse!

The two dogs responded quickly and immediately cried: "Little fairy, little fairy, what happened to you? How did you flow so much blood?"

The red glimpse of the heavenly rock must seem to move, and quickly followed:

"When you kill a thousand knives, why are you going so fast! Leave me a beggar, how can I live in the future?!

God, take me away if you take it away!

If she is dead, I am not alive..."

The beginning of the cloud is almost amused!

She just let them say that she is bleeding, how come to the red 骷髅 here, directly to her crying?

This **** bone must be deliberate!

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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