Chapter 7621 is loaded

The red scorpion sneaked into the heavenly sacred stone, and saw that the sacred stone seemed to be hesitant, falling down a distance and hanging there.

Red 骷髅 feels that he has to work harder!

So, this cargo is even harder!

"How can this blood flow more and more, stop it!"

Finished, master, you must not live!

My dear master, you are slower, listen to me and cry for you twice! ”

Cloud early: "..."

She even wants to give the body control to the dog's tail grass, because she really can't listen.

Of course, she just thinks about it, this critical moment can not make a difference.

At this time, the red 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅

But what is your **** bones doing so hard? !

You are waiting for me!

At the beginning of the cloud, I was a little nervous, and I didn’t know if the two dogs could do the same.

If you can't do it, it would be not so easy to swindle the stone.

Although she couldn't see it, her knowledge and hearing were still there. After a while, she noticed something flying over the cave.

She had already licked the dog's tail grass and black beads. Once the sacred stone entered the cave, they both worked together.

The Shoushi stone stopped a few feet away from the cave, and it is estimated that it is still hesitant.

The red cockroach squeezed the wound on the arm of the cloud and immediately splattered.

This cargo is very deflated, and it is not too late to revenge the bones. Today, I finally avenged my hatred!

As for whether or not the cloud will pick it up in the future, this product has been neglected selectively. Nowadays, there is a drink that is drunk now.

Shoji smelled the blood, and he did not hesitate. He turned his body into a fist size, and flew into the cave and went straight to the wound on the arm of the cloud.

At this moment, the dog's tail grass and black beads suddenly made a force. The sapphires were covered by an invisible net, and they struggled constantly. However, the range of movement was extremely limited, and it was limited to less than three feet. Inside.

At the beginning of the cloud, he opened his eyes and sat down to drop the blood on the stone of the Shoushi.

The Sergeant struggled more fiercely, and apparently knew the intention of the cloud.

In the beginning of the cloud, my heart is biting, my blood is not white, since I drank my blood, I have to be my stone!

Once again, she failed again and she tried again. The result was still unsuccessful.

She had to take out a ring of animals and put it on the stone.

The sacred stone was obviously stiff. The cloud first saw a door, and took out two animal rings on the top of the stone.

This time, the stone must be honest!

However, Yun Yunyi tried to put it into the storage ring and failed to succeed. He tried to put it into the vet bag and did not succeed.

The second dog reminded me: "Little fairy, it may be loaded! I want to relax and be vigilant."

After Shakespeare heard the words of the two dogs, he struggled again and again.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but bite my teeth.

However, the contract is useless, and the animal ring is useless. You can't always let the dog's tail grass and black beads trap it. What should I do?

The second dog said on the side: "Little fairy, it is even fine, it is also a mustache!

You are now refining it now! I think you can refine it into a bone directly, give me a play! ”

(End of this chapter)

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