Chapter 7643 Knocking Sap

At the beginning of the cloud, he swallowed a replenishing medicinal remedy, then stood up and took a hemp bag from the storage ring and covered it on the heads of the three old men.

Her voice said coldly: "Close your eyes, or you will be conceited!"

They are not sure about the Golden Law, but they still close their eyes. The little girl is saved by life. It will definitely not harm them.

At the beginning of the cloud, they grasped the ropes on them and began to perform the technique of flashing.

The three people of Jin Hufa felt that the wind came from the ear, and despite their curiosity, they did not dare to open their eyes.

Live to their age, what you should have seen before you have seen, so you can restrain your curiosity.

About a quarter of an hour, the wind in the ear stopped, but I didn't hear the little girl's voice, and the three didn't dare open their eyes.

However, they found that they have not felt the pressure of the passive sea. Are they out of trouble?

When the three were wondering, there was an exclamation around them: "It seems to be the golden guardian of them!"

Then someone took off the hemp sacks on their heads and untied the ropes.

The horror of Emperor Xuan’s face on Monday: "Golden Law, you, this, what's wrong with this?"

The people around me are also a look of embarrassment. How are these three big shackles being bundled into scorpions and thrown here? There are also sacks on the head. Is it because of someone... knocking the sap?

Just who has this ability, can knock three big sap?

The three people in the Golden Protection Law are also shocked by their faces. Are they back to Cangbei City?

how can that be?

It’s just a quarter of an hour. The place where I used to be at least two hundred miles away from Cangbei City!

Wait, what about the little girl?

"Reluctantly? Did you see her?" Jin Hufa stood up and asked urgently.

The stone guardian and the ancestral hall also looked around anxiously, but did not see the figure of the cloud.

Under the urgency of the Golden Protection Law, he grabbed the clothes of Emperor Xuan Zhou and asked in disgust: "Is the emperor to bear it?! Seeing her?"

Emperor Xuan Zhou was shocked. Some stuttered said: "No, I didn't see it! Someone just visited us to see you here, and this only tells us to come."

The people in Cangbei City had already been evacuated. At this time, there were only three people from Cangbei City who came to investigate. Therefore, no one saw the first time out of the air.

The three people of Jin Hufa asked the people who first discovered them, and they did not see the emperor.

Everyone looked at each other and felt that they seemed to guess the truth of the matter.

The Emperor of the Longling Emperor’s family cherished the daring of the dog, and even knocked out the three sap of the big cockroach. Now it is estimated that he is sinful!

Just, why is she doing this, is she crazy?

The three people of Jin Hufa did not pay attention to the eyes of the people. The three looked at each other and could not help but shed tears.

They think that the emperor has pledged that the little girl must have used them to send them back to Cangbei City, and she is afraid to stay in the passive sea. Maybe it has already fallen.

If Black Heart 9 knows their guess, it is estimated to be mad!

Isn't that okay at all? !

Just when she dragged the three old men to perform the technique of flashing, I didn’t know where the difference was. She watched the three old men fly forward, and she flew in the opposite direction.

At the beginning of the cloud, there were 10,000 heads and beasts whizzing past, relying on! What are you making moths!

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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