Chapter 7644, Haizu

At the beginning of the cloud, she bit her teeth. Her son must have flashed into the passive sea. Maybe it flashed into the depths of the passive sea.

She gently pressed her clothes and saw that the silver snake was still there, and she was relieved.

She had been putting the silver snake in her sleeve before, but then she remembered the sad reminder of the silver snake that she had lost. She put a pocket in the dress and put the silver snake inside.

Someone was only awake for a little while before, and then fell into a coma again.

Of course, Black Heart Nine does not know that it has been awakened, thinking that it has been sleeping.

I don't know how long it took, and the flash of the cloud was over.

She was a little embarrassed when she saw the situation in front of her eyes.

Because she saw a city, the city has three big characters on it - Cangnan City.

If she remembers correctly, Cangnan City is the nearest city to Cangbei City, which was just drowned five days ago.

Her brain was a bit messy for a while, did she flash this flash directly five days ago? Is it a bit too fancy?

However, when she looked up and looked up, she found that she wanted more.

Above the top of the head is clearly the endless sea, it is estimated that there is an enchantment barrier, so she has an illusion that is still above the land.

It seems that she flashed the original location of Cangnan City, but why is there an enchantment here? Also covered Cangnan City?

She found that not only Cangnan City, but also the place where her feet were located was also quarantined.

When she was puzzling, the black beads trembled a little, and the cloud began to display the technique of flashing, and the sad reminder was that it could not be used.

In desperation, she broke into the bushes not far away and converges.

At this time, the gates of Cangnan City opened.

Inside, a group of people came out and said people, it is not too accurate, it seems more like an orc who has not completely become human.

Some still have a pair of crab claws, some have fish scales on their arms, and some even have a fish head. The tone of their speech is a bit strange, but the cloud can be understood at the beginning.

However, the content of their speech made the cloud a bit uncomfortable.

"Do you think the gods, the devils and the orcs are delicious? I think the orcs are better to eat." A person with a crab claw said.

"The meat of the Orcs is no different from the fish and shrimps that the sea people support. I think it is still delicious for the skin of the gods." The person with the fish head said with a slobber.

A person with a whisky said with a smile: "I think the different devils are delicious, and it is very good to use braised.

In short, these captives are much more delicious than fish and shrimp. Unfortunately, the amount caught is too small, and those that are useful are not allowed to eat, or else they can solve the problem. ”


At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that if I was not strong enough, I was already screaming.


She has never heard of such a group on the two sides of the Qiankun, and it seems that they are eating people?

Are those captives eaten by them?

However, she turned to think about it, in fact, it is normal, right when they are a monster.

If the monsters have caught the tribes, they are naturally used to eat.

Listening to their words, there are still some people who are not dead. They may still be alive.

At the beginning of the cloud, the martial arts, the few sea people have gone far, and they don’t know what to do.

There is some entanglement in the heart of the cloud, why should she go to the city to see?

(End of this chapter)

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