Chapter 7657 Shrimp Nine

Although, Yunchu felt that he could absorb some more, but the whirlpool has already subsided, and the goods temporarily gave up this plan.

The power of confusion is different from the power of chaos or spiritual power. It is more inclined to the attack of the gods. Perhaps this is also the reason why the roots of the roots have a strong sense of power.

Of course, temptation can also be used to attack.

However, until now, Black Heart Nine has only one and a half attack skills.

One is the purple little lightning in the eye, which can make the enemy fall into the shackles, and the other half is to stimulate the red mist to entangle the enemy.

However, those red A flutter has merged with the red 骷髅, and I don't know if I can still use it.

But it doesn't matter, her main purpose now is not to kill but to escape, the first skill is enough.

Of course, you can use it or not, so you have a life-saving card.

At this point, the whirlpool has subsided a lot, and many sea people struggled to rush in the direction of the black heart nine.

The bad water of Black Heart Nine came up. She took a large bucket of black ink from the storage ring and poured it into the sea. It was dark in the moment.

This cargo took advantage of this effort to put a coat, glued the previous pair of shrimp rice to the gang, and smeared some ointment on the face, and then mixed into the sea.

"People! Where did the traitor go?" The middle-aged seaman with a dorsal fin screamed.

Other sea people are also a look of horror, what about people? Did you run this trick with your secret skills?

While the middle-aged sea people spoke, their eyes glanced in the crowd and wanted to find out the suspicious people inside.

At the beginning of the cloud, he was swaying in the crowd and bowing his waist. He bowed slightly, and the two whiskers swung around the cheeks, and successfully escaped the gaze of the middle-aged sea.

Because he just dreamed, the crab nine has already turned into a shrimp nine.

The middle-aged Haizu’s angry face, the cloud is worried that his dorsal fin will be blasted because he is too angry. This guy should look like a sea shark.

I heard that the drunkards of the seas have said that many of the sea sharks are nobles, and they are also one of the most powerful sea people.

The middle-aged Haizu frowned, and it was still within the coverage of the native branches. It was impossible for anyone to use the secret technique of escape. The person must have been mixed in the crowd.

When he thought of it, he screamed: "Everyone is lined up in two teams and one is checked."

Although he also knew that it was troublesome to do so, he couldn't think of another way to catch the spy.

If you don't catch her, I am afraid there will be big trouble.

The roots of the vines are chopped, requiring a lot of temptation to repair the wound, and there is no way for the sea of ​​God to expand within a certain period of time.

If he can catch the spy, he can make up for it. If he can't catch it, he will probably be punished.

At this point, the guards have begun to check the ordinary seas, and the black heart is mixed in the middle of the team.

She knew that if she checked her, she would surely find the flaws, so she didn't expect to be able to get away with it. She was just waiting for an opportunity.

These people are now nervous, and after a while, they will definitely relax. At that time, it is her best opportunity to get out.

Sure enough, those guards began to relax a bit.

Except for the guards inspected, the rest of the guards mostly looked at the distant branches, and they were very worried about the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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