Chapter 7658 looks at my eyes and says

Finally, it is the turn of the black heart nine.

She suddenly pointed at the top and said: "Look! The hermit crab is on it!"

Everyone subconsciously looked up and looked at it, naturally nothing.

Almost at the same time, the cloud first sprinkled a large bucket of black ink, then smashed out and escaped.

There was a big chaos in the rear, followed by the angry buzz of the middle-aged Haizu: "Ordinary seas return to Cangnan City, and the guards chase after me!"

The reason why he said this is that he is afraid that the cloud will be disguised as other ordinary seas.

The middle-aged sea people took the people behind and chased them, and took out a large palm conch to inform other patrollers to block the clouds in front.

This sea area has people who are responsible for patrolling, and the gods and demons who have specially captured the sea, and now just come in handy.

The middle-aged Haizu bite his teeth, even if the stinky head has long wings, it is impossible to escape. After catching her, he will tell her what it is.

When Yunchu was struggling to move forward, he found that there were seas swimming in all directions, and suddenly he complained, and he finished, and finished, and did not expect to have ambushes.

This is how to do? !

She quickly used the technique of flashing, but unfortunately it was not easy to use.

Her heart is horizontal, it seems that she can only fight one.

Thinking of this, she turned around and swam in the direction of the middle-aged sea people.

The middle-aged Haizu’s face is scornful, is this going to run around?

It’s naive!

No matter where she wants to run, she can't escape.

At this moment, Yunchu said to him at the beginning: "Stop all the time! Otherwise, I will come to a jade to burn and destroy the rest of the source."

The eyes of the middle-aged Hai people flashed, and the roots of the cut off were hundreds of feet. There is a lot of confusion in it. It is best to keep it.

When I think of it, he said: "Small girl, you don't have to resist, as long as you are shackled, I can help you and keep your life."

At the beginning of the cloud, he showed a hesitant color, and then said: "Let's do it, you and I are alone. If you can win me, I will squat."

If you lose, you will let me go, OK? ”

"Yes, no problem!" The middle-aged Haizu agreed quickly.

There was a smug color in his eyes, but it was a little girl, and he would definitely win her.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if he lost, she could not escape.

Is the so-called soldier not deceptive, is it still expected that he will keep his promise? It’s a joke.

Immediately, the middle-aged sea swims to the beginning of the cloud, and he is about to launch an attack.

"Wait a minute, can you look into my eyes and repeat what I said? I am afraid you will repent."

In the eyes of the middle-aged Hai people, there was a smack of scorn, but in order to stabilize the cloud, I still looked at the eyes of Yunchu, saying: "Good..."

When the voice had not yet fallen, he saw countless purple little lightning creaking in the eyes of the opposite little girl, followed by a sense of dizziness.

When he slowed down, he had already had a dagger on his neck, and his cultivation was also imprisoned.

At the beginning of the cloud, I laughed softly: "Stupid! I thought I would be stupid, and you are singled out!! I just want to use you as a hostage."

After the beginning of the cloud, I gently stroked the neck of the middle-aged Haizu:

"Let them all go off! Otherwise I will kill you!"

The middle-aged Hai people hate and fear, and bite their teeth: "Don't dream! Even if you don't fight my life, I can't let you go."

The fifth is more.

(End of this chapter)

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