Chapter 7729, I am yours.

After Shan Huang finished speaking, he was forced to find that the single patriarch did not look at him at all, but his eyes eagerly looked at "single yo."

He couldn't help but anger in his heart. Could it be that this old man is not shy to look at the girl?

Even robbing his own son?

Does he still have to face? !

Mu Shi also noticed the abnormality of the single patriarchal, and his heart was tight. He took a step toward the side and blocked the eyes of the single patriarch looking at the beginning of the cloud.

Unexpectedly, the single patriarch directly bypassed her and walked to the front of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was a little panicked. What do you mean by this single family? Is it to see what flaws, to see that she is not a sea?

If you are dismantled in the vest, then you will only hold this single glory. After all, he is easy to push down.

At this time, the single patriarch has come to the beginning of the cloud, and the lips are awkward and ask:

"Child, are you born in the shade of Yinyin when it is cloudy?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I nodded. "Oh, yes, it should be."

She would like to deny that I have already tested it.

"What about your mother?" asked the single chief.

"Ah, dead, dead, all dead, I am an orphan." Yunchu faintly felt that things seemed to go back in a strange direction!

Sure enough, the next moment, the head of the single family said with excitement: "Child, I am you!"

Cloud early: "..."

Her heart is like a 10,000-headed beast whizzing past, she feels that she is listening!

In addition, she still has a question, she is always easy to be recognized as a hair.

Even if they are black beads, they are also easy to help her. Is she a physique of being recognized?

The heart of Shan Huang is arrogant. Is he and the girl in the fancy being a brother and sister who have been separated for many years? He felt the fullness of God's fullness.

However, when did he get him a sister out? Mu is so close, how can he have the opportunity to be close to other women?

Mu is even more angry in the fire, and even the illusion of warmth can not be maintained.

She barely squeezed a smile and walked to the side of the single patriarch and said:

"Master, have you been mad at the girl? We have never had a daughter, and this long girl is more than a life..."

The single family replied: "Mu, you have to be noisy, retreat to the side, don't bother our father and daughter to reunite."

Mu's almost vomited blood!

However, she still obediently retreated to the side, looking at the eyes of the beginning of the cloud with a trace of viciousness.

At the beginning of the cloud, there is no time to take care of Mu, she is now weighing whether to recognize this... huh?

After thinking about it, I think it’s still a problem. It’s the so-called old man and the old man. If the old man sees something flawed, why don’t she die? !

So, she quickly said: "Single family, you are afraid to admit the wrong person!

Don't look at my appearance is a sea urchin family. In fact, I also have the blood of the sea snake family. I am a, well, a... ”

Ba said that he owes a child to the child: "Yes, the long sister is not only a string of inconsistent internal and external strings.

Before she used the mirror in Red Elephant City, there was a small sea snake. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, when the monk’s long-haired look was stiff, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She decided to leave Dan Shoucheng overnight, lest she have a long night dream.

Do not say anything else, that Mu's look at her eyes is very bad, maybe she will find her trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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