Chapter 7730 God Turns

When the cloud was thinking about it, I saw the sudden death of the single patriarch, and the voice choked:

"Child, I was still a little uncertain, and now I am finally sure! You are my bitter prostitute!"

Cloud early: "..."

Is this OK? !

"That, that single leader, are you mistaken?"

I remember that when I was a child, I had a mother, and I vaguely remembered my appearance, and there was no similarity with you. "The single family long wiped their tears with their sleeves:

"Women, you don't know, your mother is a sea snake.

I thought that I belonged to your mother at the beginning, um, after drinking, so there was no connection.

A few days ago, I suddenly had a dream. Your mother said that I gave birth to a prostitute, or was born in the cloudy and cloudy days.

I didn't take it seriously, but when I saw you, I knew that it must be the dream that your mother gave me!

Because, you look exactly the same as when your mother is young! ”

Cloud early: "..."

Let's not say whether this single patriarch is not a good brain. Just take a dream and take it seriously. The main reason is that she can easily look at it and throw it into the crowd. The single patriarch can also Can you see it?

However, since it is after drinking, it can be said.

When she was thinking about it, Mu said:

"Master, although I shouldn't sweep you, but it's too sloppy to think that the girl is your flesh by just one look."

Single and rare, and Mu’s opinions are unified, and the road is:

"Yeah, hey, there are too many people in the world who have similar looks. You can't have a dream, just have a daughter?"

The single-family leader did not take a ride, but suddenly stepped forward and took off the fake headgear on the head of the cloud.

The brain of the cloud is screaming!


The vest is gone!

I dare to love this old thing just like this, just to paralyze her, want to expose her?

Her first reaction was to hold a single Huang. However, she was afraid that she would not succeed in order to persuade the head of the sect to stand behind the head of the single patriarch.

Otherwise, don't you admit to delaying, find the right opportunity and then take the shot?

She is so forced, others are more aggressive!

Ba Zhu's eyes almost came out!

He had been with Yun for a long time, and there was no sea urchin spike on her head.

Mu Tianqing is a gloating event, shouting:

"Fast! Fast! Grab her, she faked the sea urchin family, it must be a heartfelt speculation!"

Mu's also slowed down, and the screaming guards arrested Yun Yun.

The single family was angry and shouted: "Give me shut up!"

When he looked at the beginning of the cloud, his eyes were called amiable: "Prostitute, are you learning this with your mother?"

I thought that your mother was this dress, and I thought she was also a sea urchin, so I only had you.

In the sea, there is only her ancient spirit to come up with such an idea. If it is not later, hey, I will go to find her. ”

The heart of the cloud has flashed over 10,000 slots!

What is the peak loop? What is God's turning point? This is ah!

Originally, she thought that the vest had fallen, but she did not expect it to be a false alarm.

At the beginning of the cloud, I haven’t had time to say anything. Mu’s voice is sharply said:

"Master, even if she was the one who was the first, the daughter of that person may not be your blood! After all, everyone knows that the sea snakes are very unruly."

(End of this chapter)

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