Chapter 7783 Eavesdropping

The sinking in the sea grass and Xing Wei heard the dialogue between Yunchu and Ba Kuo. All of them showed a horrified look. Could it not be three days to enter the second round?

I have to look at the number of candidates to be eliminated.

The two will be suspicious and continue to erect their ears.

When Shan Huang heard the words of Ba Kuo, he agreed: "Yes, it is unexpected to return to the president. Only a thousand people can enter the second round. It is estimated that many people will be disappointed when the assessment ends. ""

At the beginning of the cloud, he grinned: "Other people are disappointed and disappointed. I don't care. I want to clean up the sinking."

Before we stopped our road, we were stunned by the catastrophe when we were in trouble. It’s damn!

Wait until we climb to Shajia or Jingjia, then pack him! Even the sea cucumbers together to clean up! ”

Ba Shu nodded: "You are right, you are right! The indulgence is not even given to me, but I really regard myself as a personal thing?!

I bother! What the hell!

As long as we tell this news to Shajia or Jingjia, it is easy to clean up a small indulgence. ”

Shan Huang said with some uncertainty: "Do you say that this news can really be exchanged for Shajia or Jingjia?"

At the beginning of the cloud, the volume was raised immediately: "Of course! As long as this round of performance is good, not only can you enter the next round, but you can also enter the key class!

Those who enter the key class will also award an additional source of Dan!

Such an important news will surely win the favor of Shajia or Jingjia.

Don't say so much, let's take a break and hurry to find someone.

Oh, I don’t know where the people of Shajia or Jingjia are, and if others let them go first, then it’s worse. ”

Ba Shouyi said with care: "There are only three people who know this news. Others don't know, how can they go for it?!

However, it is already the next day, and it is better to grab some. ”


Shen Yu gave Xing Wei a look, and the two sneaked out of the sea grass.

After the two went out for a distance, they said with enthusiasm: "Xing brother, our chances are coming! The three idiots still want to climb the Shajia and Jingjia? Think beautiful!

Before we came across the road to the people of Shajia, we will return now and tell them the news.

Not only can they take the opportunity to close the relationship with the Shajia people, but they can also follow them into the second round of testing, or even enter the key class. ”

When I thought of it, I could pull up the relationship with the super-powers like Shajia, and I could enter the key class. The voice of Shen Yu was excited and trembled.

Xing Wei is also very excited, but he still has some suspicious words: "Is it true that Shan Huang said it? Is it not a nonsense?"

"It must be true! You didn't see what the three of them were all crazy about!! Besides, they don't know that we are eavesdropping, how can we tell lies?!

Without further ado, we have to go to the Shajia, so as not to be preempted by them.

When they arrived, they found that they were first boarded, and they would definitely die, hahaha! Said Shen Yi proudly.

Xing Wei’s original suspicion was also dispelled.

"You are right, go, let's go to the sand house."

The two had met the Sha’s team before, so they quickly found them.

Although the people of the sea sharks are gathered together, they are actually divided into three factions.

The leaders of the three factions are also the most powerful contenders for the young patriarchs, namely Shapingfeng, Shapingyu and Shapinglei.

The three men fought in the air and each gathered a bunch of people.

(End of this chapter)

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