Chapter 7784

When Shen Jian saw the Shajia people, he felt a little trembled in his heart, but he thought of the huge benefits that were coming, took a deep breath and walked over.

"The sea cucumbers indulged in seeing the three young masters!" Shen Yan said with a look.

Xing Wei was also busy saying hello, his face full of charming colors.

The three people of Shapingfeng did not hear it, and they continued to move forward, apparently not ready to take care of them.

I don't mind if I am addicted. I am busy saying: "Three young masters, I have an extremely important message to tell you, and please ask three people to stay."

Shapingfeng raised his eyebrows and said casually: "Oh? Let's listen."

Shen Ding set the god, this said: "I heard that this round of assessment is not as simple as three days, and finally only a thousand people can enter the second round of assessment.

The focus of the assessment by the dean and the instructors is how many candidates have been eliminated. This is not only related to whether they can enter the second round, but also whether they can enter the key classes.

I have heard that people who enter the key class can get an extra source. ”

The three casual thoughts of Sha Pingfeng suddenly converge a lot. Shaping thundered and asked:

"Where did you hear about this? Are you not teasing us?"

Indulging in a sigh, he said: "Even if we borrowed 10,000 courage, we would not dare to deceive you three! This news is absolutely true, we have inadvertently heard."

Shen Yu hid his mind and thought that if he said a single Huang, maybe the people of Shajia would go to them to ask for proof. In this case, don’t you be divided into a part? So can't say!

Shaping rain frowned. "Is it inadvertently heard? How can you know such important news? If you don't say it, I will let you knock out!"

On the way to Shen Yan, I thought about the words and said: "When we were sent, we were both at the end, so we heard the conversations of the two instructors in the distance.

Although it is not particularly clear, it should be inseparable. ”

Shaping rain sneered and said: "It’s a nonsense! The words of the mentor can make you hear? You must be to please us, so it’s damn!"

Shen Yu and Xing Wei were scared and explained: "Why do we dare to do this?! We are all true! It is true!"

If the three young masters don't believe it, they will know the truth after the end of this round. ”

Shaping’s eyes flashed and he said to Shen Yu: “You two can go now. If the news is true, you will naturally have the benefits, but if it is fake, hehe!”

Sinking could not help but be a little disappointed. People who wanted to follow the Sha family now seem impossible.

Had to go dingy.

Shapingfeng looked at Shapingyu and Shapinglei: "What do you think? Are they really talking?"

Shaping thundered his mouth: "Don't you always be smart? Why bother to ask us?!"

Shaping Feng endured and said: "Although we are not embarrassed, but now the primary task is to enter the Royal Military Academy, as for the things between us can be released first."

Shaping nodded in rain: "Yes, let's be consistent."

I think that the two of them did not dare to lie to us, and in all likelihood, it is true.

Even if it is not true, eliminating some candidates is not good for us, at least the second round of opponents can be reduced a lot.

Moreover, we can take advantage of this opportunity to clean up those who depend on the well. ”

(End of this chapter)

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