Chapter 7842 has one more me.

Lan Yuanxue felt that he had an illusion!

Or why is there a confusing leaf in the pit?

Is it a single sneak peek into the debris of the mirror? But she was always beside her, she didn’t even put it!

It’s really a hell!

Yunchu’s first hand reached into the pit and wanted to catch the confusing leaf. The result was good, and the confusing leaf took the initiative to her.

Cloud early: "..."

If the confusing leaf of the former Huanren can still be explained by accident, at this time her incomparable determination is somewhat abnormal.

These confusing leaves seem to be very close to her, why is this?

Could it be related to her understanding of the method of confusing the temptation?

Ten out of ten is for this reason.

Her temptation was originally absorbed from the roots of the genus, and after compression, it was estimated to be very similar to the trunk of the original vine.

So, these confusing leaves treat her as... the source of the vine?

Only because she did not release the temptation, only when the distance is very close, can she be confused.

After the beginning of the cloud, I thought of getting up and down, not ready to dig.

Although the confusing leaves are good, it is not good if others are found to be abnormal.

She does not worry about what Lan Yuanxue found. After all, occasional accidents can be made.

What she didn't know was that Lan Yuanxue was very happy at this moment.

Fortunately, I just didn’t promise to bet with myself, otherwise she wouldn’t lose again? !

It seems that this single is not very good, but luck seems to be much better than her.

Otherwise, what about the source Dan?

But she is really not reconciled, but it is the source Dan!

Still have to find a chance to win back!

When Lan Yuan Xue’s heart was in the middle of the sky, the sound of the original source was heard in the source of the holy land:

"Hey? How do I feel more of me? Do I learn to split up?"

Everyone’s face is stunned, and this source of vines begins to talk nonsense again?

What is more than one?

Is this source of branching a bit abnormal?

When the clouds begin to sink in the heart, what is the source of the vines not aware of? It seems that she has to be more careful.

The dean was also very nervous, and he was afraid that the origins would spread the topic to him.

So, busy, urging everyone to hurry to collect the confusing leaves, get the work early.

I am afraid what to come!

When the dean was thinking about it, he heard the original branch said:

"Oh, I must have an illusion! I have always been a lonely man. How can I have another one?"

Lonely is really difficult!

It is no wonder that the old Wang who belongs to the surname likes to read the color of the book, this is also a good way to pass the time.

However, my sample of high-quality branches will not look at that kind of thing.

Oh, there aren't many good branches like me! ”

Returning to the hospital's chief, he was so mad that he couldn't get through this source of sincerity!

Or why did he turn to him when he said it? !

Fortunately, he grabbed the task, otherwise let other people hear, where is his old face? !

At this time, I heard the source of the branch and said: "I miss some of the stinky heads that compete with me!"

Everyone’s face is speechless. Is this source of affliction sick?

Shouldn't it hate that little girl?

Why are you still missing?

Then I heard the source of the vines continue to say:

"If I let her catch her, I can torture her as my fun!"

I have to get rid of her hair one by one, let her become a bald chicken! Hahaha! ”

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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