Chapter 7843 Circles

Everyone's face is a circle!

It was really the words that I heard when I entered the source of the Holy Land, and they made a disillusionment with the impression of the source.

In their inherent cognition, the origin of the vine is the root of the sea, it is a sacred and inviolable existence, like the holy ice on the top of the mountain.

As a result, I finally found out that this is a funny ratio! Still have a stealing, voyeur, awkward, good teasing ratio!

It is really a huge impact on their three views.

Normally, shouldn’t it be necessary to seize the little girl and torture it? It is good, it is a disease to smash the hair of others!

Black heart nine hearts are secretly self-deprecating, very good!

Little chopsticks, you are waiting for me!

Pack up in the morning and evening!

She even had an embarrassing idea. Since the confusing leaves used her as the source of the vines, she might one day have a sneak peek.

Can even replace it!

Anyway, her vest is not over, and it doesn't matter if there is more than one source.

Hey, if the body of the original source of the future only recognizes that she does not recognize the planting spirit of the source, it is interesting!

Black Heart Nine thought of this, and he laughed and laughed.

In the strange silence, the black-eyed nine is particularly awkward.

The old face of the dean was immediately gloomy, thinking that he was laughing at him at the beginning of the cloud, and looked at the cloud at first.

At the beginning of the cloud, he said: "I thought of the picture that the little girl was smashed into a bald chicken by the source. I felt that it was so beautiful, so I laughed.

Well, everyone is still the old rules, hurry to swear!

I will come first, if I say something out today, let me be drowned! ”

Everyone: "..."

Can you be a little sincere?

Can you marry a sea can be drowned? !

The black heart smiled and said: "This poison oath seems to be a little light, then I will re-issue one.

If I say what I am going to do today, let me be alone and die, and my soul will fly! Is this enough poison? ”

Others followed up with a poisonous oath, and the heart that was returned to the Dean was put back into the stomach.

At this moment, the source of the excitement said excitedly: "I was so excited that I wanted to turn the circle when I thought that the little girl became a bald chicken!"

Its voice just fell and the ground began to tremble.

Everyone in the heart is like a dog!

You are excited and excited, what circle do you turn? ! Is this not sick? !

The ground trembles are getting more and more powerful, which is more powerful than when the last time the source was a nightmare.

Everyone can't help but feel awkward, it seems that this source of buds will go crazy regardless of emotions!

At the same time, the wind is up!

The sand on the ground was rolled up, and everyone was busy using puzzles to weave bubbles to avoid the sand.

The black heart nine unconsciously released a bubble and drilled in.

Immediately afterwards, the goods discovered that they had made a mistake!

If it is to let the source of the sensation feel her breath, then it is bad!

She just wanted to smash her own bubble and drill into the bubble of Shanhuang. The underground suddenly flew out a few confusing leaves, and it was stuck on the bubble, and more and more confusing leaves flew out...

The blink of an eye, there is a pile of confusing leaves on the ground, and the black heart and nine people with bubbles are drowned in it.

Everyone was shocked by this change!

Huanren rounded his eyes and yelled at the scorpion: "God! The squad leader was confusing and buried alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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