Chapter 7484, I am too talented.

When I heard the words of Huanren, the black heart that was "buried alive" was almost mad!

You are buried alive!

Sure enough, there is no ivory in the mouth of the dog!

She finally climbed out from the pile of confusing leaves, and those who were ruthlessly ruined to her body, and the cloud had to look down and look down.

She wanted to erase their remaining consciousness and put it into the storage ring, but she was afraid that it would cause the attention of the original branches, so she had to give up these confusing leaves.

She managed to get rid of those confusing leaves and rushed into the bubble of the dean.

"The dean is saving lives!"

Scared me! It’s so scary!

It must be these confusing leaves, knowing that I last lied to them, so I want to avenge me.

I am your pro-student, you must save me! ”

The dean's face was sluggish, and it was only when I heard the beginning of the cloud.

No wonder those confusing leaves will be like this, it turns out to find this little girl to take revenge!

Also, the last time these confusing leaves were deceived by her, it was a miserable. Although the residual consciousness is not strong, the basic likes and dislikes are still there.

At this time, because of the bubble separation of the dean, those confusing leaves did not come back to chase the clouds, but re-drilled into the ground.

Huanren looks very painful, these are all confusing Dan!

The squad leader is very smart and personal. How did he be stupid? !

Instead, it is packed in hemp bags!

However, he soon wanted to "understand", and estimated that the squad leader was afraid to get rid of too many confusing leaves to provoke the source of the vines, so he reluctantly gave up.

At this point, the source is still crazy.

The ground trembles more and more, and the wind is getting bigger and bigger. If not everyone is repaired, it is estimated that it has been scraped!

"Haha! Haha! I will take that stinky head and call it a bald chicken!"

"Bald chicken, crying, crying, weak chicken!"

"I am so talented! It is an export! I feel that the source of the Holy Land must not be able to hold me!"


The dean was still thinking about the beginning of the cloud, and now I have no time to think about it.

It is imperative that the source be calmed down, or else everyone will suffer.

After this trip, it seems necessary to suggest that the sea emperor temporarily shut down the original holy place, otherwise it will get trouble in the morning and evening.

Of course, he did not admit that he was afraid that other people would come in and hear the words of the source.

The dean thought that the last time he was thinking about the way to calm the source of the vine, he asked: "Can you have any way to calm down the source?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I turned my eyes: "This is easy to do, let people collect a few confusing leaves, let them remind the source of the vines, and haven't caught the little girl yet. It's too early to be very happy."

The dean immediately went to work, let Lan Yuanhan and others begin to collect the leaves.

Just because a lot of confusing leaves have come to "live buried" black heart nine, so Lan Yuanhan and others have collected dozens of confusing leaves without any effort.

Lan Yuan Xue has a heartfelt performance and took the initiative to act as a lobbyist.

I said the words of the cloud and the confusing leaves, and then put those confusing leaves.

After a while, the sound of the native branches sounded:

"Fart! Put the dog stinky! With my skill, it is a matter of time to catch the bald chicken. How could it be so sad?!"

The source of the branches is obviously a little angry, so the situation has not been alleviated, but it has become more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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