Chapter 8031 ​​Content of the assessment

Two days later, the last major exam before the Royal Military Academy began.

The students are very embarrassed, because this time is different from the previous class assessment, this time is a single assessment.

What is the content of the assessment?

With their understanding of the dean, I feel that this assessment will not be very simple.

The dean was standing on the high platform, watching the students under the stage, his face showed a gratifying color.

Although these students have only been in school for a few months, they have made great progress than when they first entered school.

"I don't have to emphasize it, you should also know the importance of this assessment.

Whether you are qualified for the latent work and who can pretend to be a grader depends on this assessment.

Therefore, you must make the whole solution and try your best not to let yourself regret. ”

When the dean came here, he paused and continued:

"Having said so much, I am sure that you are extremely curious about the content of the assessment. Now it is time to uncover the mystery.

Later, you will draw lots to choose the characters that will be impersonated.

We will prepare the materials for you, and you have two hours of preparation time.

After the time has come, you will be transferred to the Golden Test Ground.

Thousands of prisoners were held in the trial area of ​​Jinyi, which are basically the heads and faces of the two ethnic groups.

Your mission is to pretend to be captured by our sea people. The calculation of the results is very simple. The longer you can persist without being discovered, the better your score will be.

If you can spy out useful news from their mouths, it is a plus item. ”

When the students heard the words of the dean, they immediately fry the pot!

This mission is much harder than the last fire test!

Those who have tried the fire four have never touched the outside world, and they do not know the existence of the sea, so even if they reveal some small flaws, they will not be discovered.

But those who are locked in the trials of Jin Yi are different!

They themselves are caught by the sea people. They are like a trapped beast in the cage. They have a strong defense. They don’t even say that they are spying out useful news. I am afraid that they will soon be identified as spies.

Moreover, once someone is recognized by the identity of the sea, the "captures" that are subsequently sent in will be suspected.

If it is better to prepare them for them, but only give them two hours, what is enough for this? !

The dean was coughed twice and everyone was quiet.

"I know that you have no bottom in your heart, and you know that you think the time of two hours is too short.

However, a good lurker must not only have the ability to disguise, but also have the ability to adapt.

At that time, you will encounter many unexpected situations. Who will prepare time for you? !

Ok, let's start drawing now! ”

Immediately, a mentor took the sign to let the students draw lots. Of course, men and women were separated. Even if the secrets of the seas were even worse, there was no way to disguise the sex.

As the lottery began, there were people who made an exclamation sound. It was really difficult to disguise.

However, it is only the first time to exclaim a few words, because we must hurry to get familiar with the information.

Because of the position of the station, the cloud was not yet in her turn.

This kind of goods is not worried about this task, but it is beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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