Chapter 8032 will always cover you

A few days before the beginning of the cloud, I also left the Haizu with a blink of an eye, but I have not yet heard the news of the wooden guardian of the Longling Emperor and other prisoners.

I didn’t expect to have a pillow when I was asleep, just by taking this opportunity to slap their situation.

Although there is no way to save people for the time being, it is good to confirm their lives.

At the beginning of the cloud, she pondered these things, but she did not delay her erecting her ears to listen to other people.

She found that the six classes that need to be disguised are the people on the dry land side. The identity of the characters is mostly the descendants of the heads of the major forces, such as the grandson of a certain elder.

Presumably there are several aspects to consider here. First, the bone age is consistent, and it will not reveal too much flaws.

Second, the captives who were detained in the trials of Jinyi should be older, and their understanding of the younger generation is limited, which is more conducive to the disguise of the people.

Finally, it was the turn of the cloud, and she was drawn to the granddaughter Ning Mengjing, the elder of the Emperor Zong Ning.

Cloud early: "..."

Lemon essence? !

This name is really good!

She saw the introduction on the information again, and suddenly felt that the name was quite right.

The position of the sacred sect of the sacred ancestor is second only to the Longling emperor, and the elders of Ning are in the position of the sacred sect, so Ning Mengjing is quite good.

However, she does not think so.

She is very envious and hateful to the descendants of the Longling Emperor's family. Why don't he dare to say about others, so I don't have to say some sour words on weekdays to get rid of a lemon essence.

Ning Elder is also captured, including a portrait of Ning Elder.

After seeing the information of Ning Mengjing at the beginning of the cloud, I had a general understanding in my heart.

At the beginning of the cloud, he waved his hand and said: "You are going to bring together the six classes of people. I will teach you a few tips to get away with."

When I heard it, I suddenly went to the fart.

The six classes of people heard that the squad leader wanted to teach the secrets and quickly gathered around.

Yunchu’s face said sincerely: “Although this is a personal assessment, I am a squad leader of the sixth class, and naturally I will not care about you.

One day is the squad leader, life is the squad leader, I will always cover you. ”

Huanren immediately moved and said: "Squad leader, you are right, you are always our squad leader! It is the blessing of our eight generations to be able to meet such a good squad leader."

Ba Bian immediately said not to be weak: "Yes, we must have saved the entire sea in our lifetime, or why can He De meet a good squad like a long sister?!"

The newcomer and the class Kuiyan are also busy saying: "You can rest assured that the squad leader, even if you graduate, your status in our hearts is irreplaceable."

The other people in the six classes were also busy with the loyalty of the table, and changed the rainbow fart of the black heart nine.

The attitude is flattering, even the single brother of Shan Huang can't stand it anymore.

He still remembers how the six classes of people couldn't get on the squad leader of the class at the beginning of the school. How did they become doglegs in just a few months?

The small vines in the left hand of the cloud at the beginning of the heart are very unhappy at this time.

As a **** of the sea, it has never heard of such a lot of flattery. Why can a weak chicken get such treatment? !

These gangsters are a slap in the face!

Humph! In the future, it will pack up the weak chickens, so that everyone in the sea can flatter it, and every day can hear the flattering words.

The little vines want to be more beautiful, and feel that their vines are full of hope.

(End of this chapter)

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