Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 8040: The squad leader finally got the shot.

Chapter 8040, the squad leader finally took the shot.

Mo elders gave the cloud some food and water at the beginning of the cloud. The cloud first said that he was not hungry for the time being, and he just let his own share be divided.

In this way, the old man’s impression of her is much better.

In the next few days, Yunchu has been trying to find water and food, but unfortunately nothing.

In the process, she also learned about the general situation from Mo’s elders.

After she considered it, she decided to take the shot.

This is another day of food collection, and everyone gathered again near the transfer station.

At the beginning of the cloud, the thieves of the Royal Military Academy found that the traitors were somewhat unstable. It seemed to be... hungry.

This kind of goods is funny, are these people of the sea people self-sufficient?

Shi Chong soon arrived, as always, arrogant.

Water protection law and other people's face condensation, no one speaks.

At the beginning of the cloud, I noticed that something was wrong. I am afraid that the water protection law and other people were forced to rush.

Also, although the stone was rushing before, but the food and water of the water protection method can still survive, but now even the basic survival is difficult to guarantee, naturally it will stimulate their heart.

The reason why there is no seizure now is that I am prepared to see if the amount of food delivered has changed.

Soon, the food delivered arrived, as much as last time, and nothing changed.

Shi Chong’s face was flat and said: “Oh, it’s really embarrassing! Since it’s the same as the last time, it’s all right!”

The water protection law reveals the chill: "Shi Chong, I finally advised you to say that it is better to leave a room for yourself, or else you will regret it."

Shi Chong turned over the lion's eye: "Let's talk to me less about it. If it's not for you to be a member of the Longling Emperor, I have already killed you with my claws!"

The water protection method has a sullen face, and he angered: "Shi Chong, you are pushing our gods and demons to the road! We are fighting with others! Otherwise we will die of thirst sooner or later! Starve to death!"

Those gods and demons have already been hungry and red eyes, and when they heard the water protection law, they suddenly became louder.

To be honest, Shi Chong is a little scared!

Although they really fight, their Orcs have an absolute advantage, but he does not want to cause casualties.

Although he is reckless, he still has a brain.

Although it seems that it can't go out now, but in case there is a day to see the sky again, it is better to leave a room for loss.

Therefore, although he showed a lot of arrogance, it did not hurt anyone's life.

It’s just that if you think about it now, it’s too much face!

Moreover, these people of the demon family may be getting more and more insatiable, so that the prestige that he finally built up is not destroyed. !

When Shi Chong was tangled, I heard someone say it clearly:

"Water protection law, Shi Daren, you all calm down.

Everyone is an alliance, and we must not have the **** of the sea.

It is normal for everyone to have differences. The force can't solve the problem. It's better to sit down and discuss it together. ”

Everyone looked at the person who spoke and found that he was talking about a little girl wearing a costume of the Holy Sword.

The water protection method frowned, and my heart was dissatisfied. A junior of the Holy Swordsman? I really don't know how high the earth is. Is there any part of her talk? !

Shi Chong, a pair of lion eyes, showed a disappointing color, thinking:

"Where is the stinky head that comes out?! How does her eyes look like the female devil in the cloud? I am so upset, I am upset!"

Those in the sixth class know the identity of the cloud, so their idea is:

The squad leader finally shot! It’s really a blessing!

(End of this chapter)

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