Chapter 8041 is correct.

The six classes of traitors are so excited to cry!

After entering here, they just dreamed that the information provided to them by the mentor was half-truth, so many people were circling at the time!

Fortunately, they still remember the tricks that their own squad leader taught them, so they were mixed.

Then, just... starving and starving!

Heaven and earth conscience, these people are basically children of various ethnic groups, even the inferior ethnic group, that is also grown up in Jinyi jade food, where have tasted the taste of hungry? !

They now look at the stones on the ground and think that it is a steaming big steamed bun!

However, they did not dare to act rashly.

One is afraid of the stuffing, and the second is not repaired now. If they are not returned to the superintendent, they do not have any security guarantees. Maybe they will be confused and scared by the orcs.

Fortunately, their squad leader shot!

In their subconscious mind, their squad leader will succeed if they shoot, they just have to wait.

The other five classes of traitors, part of the optimistic drama, part is indifferent, and some are inexplicable excitement, such as ... three shifts.

After three classes have cooperated with the six classes, these people’s subconscious minds feel that they are following six classes... there is meat.

To be exact, it’s just a matter of walking around!

Therefore, when the lottery was drawn, the three shifts of the eyes were rounded and the ears were erected. The situation of the six shifts was always concerned.

Naturally, I also know the identity of the cloud.

Now they see the beginning of the cloud, and they have a few expectations.

Especially Lan Yuanxue, already calculating whether or not to align her small team with those of the Holy Sword.

The exceptions of these traits did not escape the eyes of some people present, but they did not cause suspicion. They only thought that they were excited because of the words before the water conservation law.

Shi Chong disgusted the look of the cloud at first glance, the more I saw the little girl, the bones of the bones turned around, the eyes were very annoying, how to see how the cloud like the devil!

However, the devil's head should still be somewhere in the extremely cold wilderness, it is impossible to appear here, unless it is a hell!

Thinking of this, he grinned:

"Where is the yellow-haired hoe?! Is there a copy of your speech here?! I will admit it right away, or I will shoot you!"

Mo Elder’s face immediately showed the color of worry, and asked for help.

The water protection method frowned, although I felt that the clouds were not interesting at first glance, but they were all people of the demon family, and naturally they could not ignore them.

When he just wanted to talk, he listened to the little girl and said: "I am a stone man, I know that I am a small person, but I am also out of a good heart.

Since you think that I have a lot of words, then right when I don't say anything.

However, I still have to persuade you that people have to learn to think in terms of empathy. I think that when you are hungry before, the taste is really hard.

By the way, I have to say that your coat is pretty, just like a feather duster! ”

Mo elders can't hate to plug the mouth of the cloud, what the previous words are still okay, what is the name behind? !

Isn't this intentionally angering Shi Chong? !

If this violent lion is worried, even the water protection law may not protect you!

However, the next moment, he saw that the large lion's body of Shi Chong was like the small leaves in the wind.

Then, the legs were soft and squatted on the floor...

Continue tomorrow at 12 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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