
The time is urgent, so Yun Chuyu has adopted the most rude method.

She released the yellow hairs and surrounded them directly.

Huang Mao's level of trust in Yun Chuyu suddenly increased to another level. She didn't lie to them. Some monsters came to grab the golden spot sea ganoderma!

Needless to say, those low-ranking sea beasts have become their reserve grains.

Those dozens of high-ranking sea beasts were half-dead.

Yun Chuyu forced them to sign a temporary contract with herself. As for what other people say, the sea beasts are taunting and would rather die than sign a contract with the sea clan. There is no such thing as her.

But it was not hard enough or the method was wrong.

However, dozens of heads are not enough.

As a result, Yun Chuyu rode on the six-fin flying fish to end the nests of these dozens of high-end sea beasts!

The process is basically the same. There is a way of traitor, plus Huang Mao's "helping to help and abuse", and basically no effort.

Although Yun Chuyu thought that these hundreds of high-level monsters were still not enough, there were only these high-level sea monsters within a thousand miles, and they could only be used.

The main reason is that time is too tight, even if she has a great ability, she can't catch so many high-level sea beasts for a while.

Yun Chuyi returned to the teleportation range with regret, and then activated the teleportation jade card.

Gui Yuan didn't see the scene behind him, but he guessed a little, and he ordered wax for Sha family and Jing family.

I hope they know the current affairs, otherwise they do n’t know how to die.

Yun Chuzhen didn't say anything after seeing the return to the dean. It was almost dawn after such trouble, she had to rest for a while and prepare for the next day's tough battle.

Yun Chuyu returned to the Imperial Study and fell asleep.

Before she fell asleep, the dog's tail grass offered to provide Xiao Baiyun with thunder and lightning.

Although Yun Chuyu felt that the dog's tail grass was so diligent and abnormal, he let it out.

The dog's tail grassy buttocked and kneeled in front of "Xiaobaiyun", and began to hit the stone desperately.

It is naturally so attentive because it is found that the core of Xiaobaiyun has changed. Although "Little Baiyun" is covered up, careful observation can still reveal the clue.

Unfortunately, Yun Chuyu didn't focus on it at all, so he couldn't find it.

The dog's tail grass feels very magical. When it did little labor to Xiaobaiyun before, he felt that it was unpleasant in his heart. Is it a great honor for Mao to feel that he can strike a stone at Dashaxing?

The next morning, Yun Chuzheng and the dean and the others went out of the imperial enchantment and waited.

Yun Chuxiong also asked the dean, why are you afraid of the Sha family and the Jing family attacking since the imperial city has a hidden formation?

Dean Gui Gui smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, although the Imperial City is hidden underground, it seems that the outside world cannot find an entrance.

However, the Sha family and the Jing family must have grasped many clues over the years, and it is not difficult to find the entrance. "

But half an hour, the sea was surging in the distance, and the army of Sha and Jing arrived.

The chief Sha and the chief Jing have always been deadly opponents, but at this time, they look good together and come together.

The Sha patriarch glanced at Yun Chuyu and sneered:

"I didn't expect that your Huangmao girl was a good way to murder the emperor and son of the emperor and occupy the throne. It's really heartbreaking!"

The director Gui said busyly: "The two patriarchs have misunderstood, this is the thing, the emperor and son ..."

The dean said everything and then said:

"Thanks to Your Majesty's efforts to turn the tide, otherwise our sea tribe will fall into a place of no end!"

There are three chapters and five.

(End of this chapter)

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