Chapter 8696: Candidate

Before the words of Gui Gui had been finished, the Sha chief said with a lip:

"Return to the dean, I have always respected you, even if it was said that you read the textbook before, I have no opinion on you.

But what you are doing at this time is really disappointing!

You believe what she says? Don't forget, she's not from the sea!

As the so-called non-ethnics have different hearts, how could she be so kind? !!

If I were to say that, she wanted to take the opportunity to seize the position of the emperor in order to achieve her unspeakable mind. "

The dean of Gui also wanted to persuade him again. The chief of Jing cried coldly: "If the surname is returned, you can save it! It's not that I speak badly. You turtles have always been timid and afraid, and they shrink back into the shell whenever something happens."

The head of the hospital was so angry that he gritted his teeth. It is a good word to persuade the **** ghost. Since you die for yourself, you will be fulfilled!

He sighed: "Two of you, it's not too late for you to listen to what I say.

You really misunderstood your Majesty, do you really think she wants to occupy the throne? If she really thought so, why didn't she hold a ceremony? Why didn't you dispose of Mingye Wang and others?

Presumably, you also know her true identity. She cares more about things on both sides of the world. A person's energy is limited. She doesn't want to be a sea emperor at all.

This is also an expedient measure. As long as she finds a suitable candidate for the emperor and signs a treaty for peaceful coexistence with both sides of the world, she will soon return to both sides of the world, and there are a lot of things waiting for her! "

Chief Sha and Chief Jing glanced at each other, and were doubtful about the words of Gui Gui.

The Sha chief narrowed his eyes and said, "So why does she delay giving up the throne?"

Dean Gui Gui smiled bitterly: "It is not His Majesty that he does not want to let out. It is because the candidate for this throne has not yet been determined.

Originally, according to what I meant, the throne was created among several kings.

But His Majesty said, Wang Hou will have a kind of Xiangning? !! Virtuous people can live in it, on what basis does the emperor have to fall on the mermaid family? !! "

The chief Sha and the chief Jing nodded again and again. This was a remark about their hearts. They had long been dissatisfied with the mermaid family.

Why the throne belongs to their mermaid family? It's not fair!

The head dean glanced at the two people's expressions, and could not help but pout in his heart, and continued:

"Your Majesty originally wanted to invite all the patriarchs, and then elected the candidate for the emperor, but was dragged down by some things, and it was not possible to promulgate this purpose."

Patriarch Jing rolled his eyes: "What you said is good. Who knows whether it is true or not, and I don't need to come to other patriarchs, I am quite suitable.

The strength of our sea whale family need not be questioned, and it is more suitable as a new royal family. "

The Sha chief immediately said: "You can pull it down. Who doesn't know that your sea whale is the most outrageous and unreasonable, I think our sea sharks are more suitable."

"Who said that you were arrogant and unreasonable? The surname is Sha, aren't you happy ?!"


Yun Chu coughed and said, "The two patriarchs are not going to hurt one's anger, and they don't hide it. I also discussed it privately with the dean, and I think your two are indeed the best candidates for the throne.

As the so-called date selection is worse than hitting the sun, it is better to choose one of you to succeed the emperor.

However, you have to swear by poison that once you take over, you will live in peace with both sides of the continent, and will not provoke war. "

Chief Sha and Chief Jing agreed with almost no hesitation, and said in their hearts, fools would not agree!

(End of this chapter)

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