
When Xiao Baiyun had a bad stomach, he immediately understood Yun Chuyi's intention, so he conscientiously agreed with Yun language:

"Really, I didn't want you to know, I didn't expect my maid to talk so fast!

Forget it, know it, you know, although I have not dealt with you all the time, but in front of righteousness, I can still figure it out.

I was really touched by your last behavior. You did n’t even embarrass Yunjie. "

The dark clouds looked at each other. Although they were vigilant in their hearts, they had to say that being able to hear such words from their dumb opponents was quite comfortable.

Yun Chuyu continued: "Let's make a long story short, if I can't rush back to the sacred mountain Yun's house in time, all beings on both sides of Qiankun will no longer exist.

Since you are the executors of the will of heaven, you will probably not want to see this ending.

Where you go from here is your choice.

I believe that since the power of thunder and lightning representing justice flows in your body, you will also make the most correct choice. "

Yun Chuyu said that he did not continue to say anything, but sat cross-legged on Xiaobaiyun and closed his eyes and meditated.

She didn't speak anymore, but Xiao Baiyun started to yell:

"Well, did you hear what my maid said? A little maid of this family has such a realization, can you not even match her ?!

Let's not say anything else, the one who gets home the most, if both sides of the world are farting, who will you go after in the future? !! Is it possible for you to do it yourself? !!

However, this may not be true. Have you heard of King Wang? Just put a bunch of poisonous insects together, let them kill each other, and the one who survived is the King of Kings.

Maybe I will put you together at that time, let you kill each other, and only one cloud is left in the end, it is really a lonely cloud! "

The head of the dark cloud sneered, "I thought that what the devil said said was still reasonable, but when I heard what you said just now, I realized that you are talking nonsense! We won't be fooled again!"

Xiao Baiyun suddenly had some claws, it seemed to help out!

This is how to do? !!

Not to mention anything, anyway, it also flew a kite at Yunshan's house, ca n’t really watch its kite die!

It suddenly had a clever idea and said coldly, "You are really toasting, not eating and drinking. I originally thought I was going to talk to you about reason, and you just have to be sensible.

But since you are such a bastard, I can only deal with you by using **** means.

Do n’t you all have amnesia?

Did n’t you forget what happened in the source holy place before?

Do you remember that bling star?

It's true, he is now a guest in my cloud core. If you don't know anything, I will let him come out and choke you! "

Xiao Baiyun felt that Yun Chuyun could not hear Yun anyway, and it was not a secret to say so.

The black clouds were really frightened when they heard Xiao Baiyun's words, and even involuntarily stepped back a distance.

But soon they calmed down and felt that Xiao Baiyun was talking nonsense.

The black cloud leader said coldly: "You don't put much gold on your face! If nothing else, he is not a black cloud, how could he hide in the cloud core?

Even if you lie, you can say something reliable, it's a laugh! "

The other black clouds suddenly laughed, Xiao Baiyun was not angry, and said angrily, "I'm telling the truth!"

"Really? Then you have the ability to call him out!" Cried Wu Yun's leader.

(End of this chapter)

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