
Xiao Baiyun froze. Where can it please that ancestor? !!

However, it still penetrated the consciousness into the core of the cloud, and said to the group of gold extremely humblely:

"If you're not busy, can you bother you to show up?"


"Okay! Let's go! Let's go!"

Xiao Baiyun withdrew consciously, complaining about the dog's tail grass, and said that the bottom line of that evil star was a stinky girl. It's been any time, and I didn't see him meaning to help.


Sure enough, all love is deceiving! It will be single Guiyun in the future!

The head of Wuyun laughed when Xiaobaiyun was silent for a while:

"Xiao Poyun, why don't you stop blowing? It will continue to blow!

It ’s not that I say you, you are willing to be a mount for a stinky girl, and you have lost all of our cloud faces!

If I were you, I would have to find a piece of tofu and run to death! "

The other black clouds, you said what I said and followed them, and Xiao Baiyun was so angry that he was bullied by the dog. After recovering his strength, he must make these small cheap clouds look good!

It loses and does not lose, Lengheng said: "You are less proud, if you annoy me, I will really call that out and scare you!"

The dark clouds laughed, how unpleasant and unpleasant the words were, and almost took Xiao Baiyun out of breath!

Just then, a voice sounded in its consciousness:

"The power of thunder and lightning begins in the floods, gathering gas and clouds ..."

Xiao Baiyun was startled. Wasn't that the voice of Dashaxing? What did you say?

But after listening a few words, it knew that this seemed to be a cultivation method.

Xiao Baiyun hesitated for a while. At the last bite of his teeth, his cloud core was occupied by others. If he wanted to strangle him, he would have already started, and he wouldn't waste this effort at all.

So, according to the law told by that voice, it began to operate the lightning force in the body.

As you practice, it has reached a mysterious state. It feels that there is a stream of air in the cloud core that is constantly chasing. It is almost subconscious, and it "throws" that air stream towards the dark cloud head opposite Go out!

The leader of the dark cloud was in that mad clamor, and Leng Buding saw a sky thunder hacking at himself, and he did not hide.

What a joke, but it ’s a dark cloud, how could you be afraid of lightning? !!

However, when the lightning arrived, it was surprised to find that the purple lightning was carrying Phnom Penh.

It wants to hide, it's too late!

The flash of lightning was really split on the black cloud leader, and the black cloud leader was immediately split into two halves.

To be precise, part of the cloud wing was split openly.

Dark cloud leaders have been compared!

However, it responded very quickly, and it kept busy re-aggregating the split cloud wings onto the cloud core, but some were not very reliable, just like chickens with folded wings!

Xiao Baiyun is all looking dumbfounded!

Oh my god! Oh my god!

Did the lightning strike just now?

A flash of lightning split the opposite goods in half?

Do you want to be so powerful, do you want to be so exciting, or do you want to be so surprised!

It turned out that this is the correct way to use the golden cloud wing. Before it even thought that the color of the cloud wing was not good, it was a stupid eyeless!

Xiao Baiyun felt that he was in a terrible state now, it was the most powerful existence in the world!

It shouted at the black clouds still in the circle: "Who else ?! Just ask who else do you have ?!"

(End of this chapter)

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