
When the elder Feng San saw it, there really was a dent on the carpet, and it still had the shape of his feet.

He still has some doubts and invisibility?

Is there such a mystery in this world?

There are stealth charms, but that stuff can only fool low-level practitioners, there is no way to trick high-level practitioners.

Besides, even if it is an invisible rune, it will hide the whole person. For the first time, only the left foot can be hidden.

Seeing that he was still not quite convinced, Yun Chuyu raised his right foot, stood with his left foot, and jumped forward a few steps.

Elder Fengsan believed the words of Yun Chuyi, admiring his face: "Old ancestor, you are so talented! There is such a secret technique! It really makes my grandchildren admire me!

Immediately he asked, "Did you think of a solution? Fortunately, the left foot disappeared. If your head disappears, I must scare me!"

Yun Chuyi perfunctoryly persuaded the three elders from the wind.

Yun Chuyu sat back on the couch, staring at his left foot with some difficulty.

This is indeed a question. Why did Yunyi get this from Xiaobaiyun? How to solve this problem?

She took out a mirror, and then began to force the cloud wing to swim inside her body, and it was still the same as before. Wherever the cloud wing swam, it disappeared!

The second dog in the spirit beast bag suddenly said, "Little fairy, try to push it between your eyebrows.

I think, since the four chess pieces can avoid the investigation of the red skull, it means that there is a secret in your eyebrows, so try it. "

Yun Chuyu is now a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and according to Ergouzi, he pushed that cloud wing towards the eyebrow.

Because she had mastered Tianyansha, she did not have any effort to force Yunyi to her eyebrows.

Then she was dumbfounded!

A small red cloud pattern appeared between her eyebrows, similar to the totem that appeared above the gate of the sacred mountain Yunjia.

The little white clouds within the cloud core all look dumbfounded!

In a hurry, blurted out: "Counterfeit goods! Counterfeit goods! Shameless!"

As soon as his words came out, he froze, because he felt the solid death from the golden mass.

Although he didn't see the thing at all, he knew it must be staring at it coldly.

It busy said, "Well, I'm scolding myself! I took away the little black cloud, I'm not a fake, a fake, shameless ?!

I know very well, I'm the dove who occupies the nest! "

After he said this, he heard a cold hum, and the invisible coercion on his body disappeared.

It was relieved, and murmured in his heart, what did this evil star think? Since you care so much about that stinky girl, let ’s quickly identify yourself!

Why is it still secretly hiding in its cloud core?

I really don't understand!

However, it is now more concerned about whether the defected cloud wing has mutated or something? How can invisible skills?

It doesn't have this skill. How could that defected calf?

Also, obviously that little calf is white, how did it turn into a red cloud mark when it got to the smelly girl?

It doesn't understand, and Yun Chuzhen doesn't understand it.

She held the mirror for a long time and touched it with her hand. The red cloud pattern was natural, as if it had grown on her skin.

(End of this chapter)

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