
Yun Chuyu looked at the red cloud pattern, and was a little stunned.

When the red skull is still red, a red mark will be formed on her eyebrows, including the same red mark when she uses Sky Eye Kill.

I wonder if the red mark is related to the current red cloud pattern?

She calmed down and suddenly thought of the red skull.

This thing has territorial consciousness. If it detects the cloud wing, it will definitely prevent it from entering the eyebrows, but why is it not moving today?

There are the previous four pawns. It should not have been found. Is this thing not very eye-catching, or is it really like Ergouzi said, there is something in her eyebrows?

Thinking of this, she said, "Bones, come out!"

The red skull flew out and said diligently:

"Come, come! I'm waiting for your call every moment!"

Yun Chuxiong pointed at his eyebrow with his hand: "See the cloud pattern in my eyebrow? I just pushed a cloud wing to my eyebrow, why didn't you react?"

When I saw the red skull, I suddenly lost my chin!

It was busy picking up the jawbone and mounting it, and asked, "Isn't it you draw it yourself?"

Yun Chu snorted coldly: "I'm not so busy! In addition, you didn't find the four chess pieces before? Is there something else in my eyebrows?"

The eyes of the red skull flickered, and then hummed coldly: "That's your eyebrow and not my eyebrow, where do I know if there is anything nasty ?!

Do you have nothing else? Hurry up and settle the appearance fee, I'll go back! "

Yun Chu kicked him with a kick: "Fool me less, and tell the truth!"

The red skull stunned with his bones: "I'm telling the truth, why do you bully me so much ?! I am so miserable!"

"Tell me the truth, I pay you ten thousand spar!"

"Whoo, I'm so pathetic! I can't live!"

"One hundred thousand!"

"Woohoo, I'm the worst skeleton in this world!"

"one million!"

The red skull suddenly jumped up and stretched out his hand bones: "The deal! You give the money first, and then I tell you!"

Anxious to know the inside story, Yun Chuyu transferred a million spar to the red skull.

The red skull held a spar in one hand, and went round like a fool in a full cabin: "Hahaha! Hahaha! I'm rich! I'm rich! I'm finally rich!"

Yun Chuxiong said impatiently: "Okay, don't hesitate! Hurry up and say, what is going on ?!"

"I'm most honest, since you gave me all the money, I will naturally tell you.

However, I haven't researched it too much now. When I understand it, I will tell you! See you later! "

The red skull said, and flew back to Yun Chu's eyebrows.

Yun Chuyu almost died of anger!

She is a traitor!

She was interested in finding the red skull, but when she thought about it, this thing should be the truth, it might as well give it time to study it.

As for the one million spars that have been pitted, she has a hundred ways to bring the pit back with interest, and let it be cheerful for a few days.

A few days later, Elder Yun Chuhe and Feng San arrived outside the gate of the sacred mountain Yun's house.

Waiting Yun Yantian and others were surprised when they saw the red cloud pattern between Yun Chu's frown.

Elder Tianxuan whispered to Elder Tianshu:

"She didn't take too much trouble. She came to our sacred mountain Yun house and drew our totem between the eyebrows. Will it be necessary to draw a dragon in the Longling emperor's house?"

Continue tomorrow, roll and sell Mengqiu tickets, Moda!

(End of this chapter)

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