Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 8791: You ungrateful animal

Although Elder Tianxuan spoke quietly, almost everyone present heard it.

Elder Fengsan has never been the one to swallow, especially now that he thinks he has the thickest thigh in the world, and he is quite mad.

After hearing Elder Tianxuan's words, he snorted coldly: "Some people are really big-faced, and don't stare at them, what are our old ancestors holding?

Even the spirit of the totem is now our old ancestor. What's weird about drawing a decorative pattern between the eyebrows? !!

Besides, our ancestor Ken painted this for some people's face, don't give shame to the face! "

Elder Tianxuan immediately exploded!

"The surname is Feng, don't refer to Sanghuai, don't you think I dare not treat you?"

As soon as the elder Feng San was about to speak, Yun Chu gave a cough, and he glared at the elder Tianxuan, and stopped talking.

He thought to himself that if he had the opportunity to persuade his ancestors to draw something bad between his eyebrows, he would rather paint a broken totem of the sacred mountain Yun family than to draw a trumpet flower!

Yun Yantian also winked at Elder Tianxuan. Elder Tianxuan gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Yun Yantian said with a smile: "Allies, hard work all the way, please inside!"

Yun Chu nodded and stepped into the gate with Xiao Baiyun.

The lines above the mountain gates dazzled with red light, enveloping a large area around the red light.

A cloud of clouds rising from the rise of the red light is the totem pattern of the sacred mountain cloud family, which is generally the same as the small cloud between the clouds at the beginning of the cloud.

Yun Yantian and others couldn't help but knelt down on the ground and touched the ground with their heads.

The elder Feng San originally wanted to stand up and be lively, but he was not from the Holy Mountain Yun family, and followed his knees for no reason.

However, he soon knelt on the ground because ... his heart was trembling and his legs were soft.

Yun Chuyu looked up at the cloud pattern, and her heart was filled with a similar sad mood, and the small cloud between his eyebrows was faint red.

It's a pity that Yun Chuzhen knew nothing about this.

Because Yun Yantian and others knelt on the ground, nobody saw this scene.

The small white cloud in Yunhe suddenly cried weepingly, crying so sad.

The ball of golden light said: "Huh?"

Although there was only one word, Xiao Baiyun understood what he meant.

It cried and said, "It's okay, I just feel bad, oh, my heart is going to break!"


Xiao Baiyun, who had wanted to cry for a while, suddenly felt that she couldn't cry anymore, because ... the atmosphere was destroyed.

It can't help but slandered, this evil star can destroy the atmosphere too!

I don't know how the stinky girl hooked up with him, so don't be too anxious to be with him?

The red light dissipated, and Yun Yantian and others stood up one after another.

The elder Feng San felt a little shameless, but then he thought for a while that he was kneeling instead of the totem of the sacred mountain Yun family but his own ancestor. What's so embarrassing about this? !!

So he instantly straightened his waist.

Yun Chuyu spent a long time at Yunshan's house in the sacred mountain. Naturally, she got on the road lightly. She called out small bald hair and took Xiaobaiyun to sit up.

The little bald hair howled and flew towards the main peak.

Little bald hair basically has no chance to show up. In the first place, it is repaired as low, and it is not even as high as two dogs.

Second, in the place where he can't help but fly, Yun Chuyu will take a flying boat, where he can't fly again.

So, it goes out all day long, nothing else.

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