Chapter 8825

When Yun Chuyu heard what Ergouzi said, he looked at the wooden box he made, as if ... it really looks like a coffin.

Like it is, the coffin is better than the skull.

Besides, coffins, coffins, get rich and get rich, well, it means good.

She put the coffin aside, her eyes fell on Xiao Baiyun again, and Xiao Baiyun still looked dumb.

She snorted in her heart, and Xiaobai's face was quite calm. She would like to see when you can hold it? !!

On this day, Elder Yun Chuhe and Feng San reached the edge of the extremely cold wilderness.

The elders revisited the old land, and the elder Feng San was very moved.

"Old ancestors, when I came last time, I didn't know your identity, young grandchildren. I treat you more slowly, wouldn't you be mad at me?"

Yun Chuyi Yile:

"I don't blame those who don't know. Besides, when I came last time, I didn't lose anything in your hands."

The elders of Fengsan think that the ancestors are indeed the ancestors, and no matter which vest they are, they are as good as fish.

Next, Yun Chuyi asked the elder Feng Feng about the situation when he came last time, and had a general understanding of the safety scope.

She was worried in her heart. Only a few tens of miles away from the edge of the extreme cold field were safe areas. Going inside, the power of space would be very chaotic.

How can we let the squadron go in safely?

She had been pondering it all the way, but unfortunately she had no clue.

In the end, she decided to venture out to the edge of the safe zone to see how confusing the power of space was there.

Elder Fengsan was naturally reluctant to let her take risks, but her small arms could not twist her thighs, so she had to follow them to the edge of the safety zone.

Of course, Yun Chuyu put him in a safe area, and then she began to test.

She threw out a few items first and found nothing abnormal.

She got a few low-level monsters out of the too-virtual realm. After throwing them, some disappeared and some were still shaking in the cold wind.

Previously, the forbidden area of ​​the Longling Emperor's House required external stimuli to be sucked into the small space, but no external force stimulation was needed here. It seems that the force of the space here is more unstable than that of the Longling Emperor's Forbidden Land.

Not to mention bringing in people with great fanfare, I'm afraid she can't help herself.

The tricky chessboard method treats the symptoms but not the root causes. If you can find the source of the chaos of the space power here, it will be done once and for all.

But what is the source? Where is it

She could not help thinking of the water of death, perhaps it was the source.

Thinking of this, she suddenly remembered something, turned to the elder Feng San, and asked:

"Where did you find Emperor Chengxi last time?"

Elder Feng San pointed not far away and said, "That's where!"

Yun Chu's eyes flickered a little, and Emperor Chengxi certainly couldn't fight the force of space, so even if the exit of the underground river was not where she was found, it would definitely not be too far away.

She immediately called out the cave spirit and said, "Although you can't use the power of space right now, will you always drill the earth ?!

You drilled me underground to find the exit of the underground river. If you can find the water of death by the way, it is even better! "

Yun Chuyu felt that since the master of the giant hand could hide the water of death into the dark river, it means that the water of death is definitely not far from the exit of the dark river, maybe it can be found.

The cave spirit is not willing to go, how good it is to stay, who wants to dig in and play? !!

However, people had to bow their heads under the eaves and had to reluctantly get into the soil.

The six-point update has five remaining chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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