
After a while, the cave spirit did not move.

Yun Chuyu couldn't help but be a little worried, and asked with God's knowledge: "Are you okay?"

There was an awkward voice in the gods' spirit: "That, that I said I was lost, do you believe it?"

Yun Chuyu: "..."

Do you have a mess around the ground saying you are lost?

Are you kidding me? !!

"I'm telling the truth. I can't use the power of Sumeshi's space right now, so I'm a little bit confused, and I'm exhausted and not dug out."

Yun Chu didn't know what to say for a while. It is rare in the world to be stupid.

"You can't just dig up ?! Don't you get lost on it ?!"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it ?! Wait for me, I'll be right out!"

Yun Chuyu rolled his eyes silently and sent such a fool to probe, just like a meat bun hitting a dog.

If it wasn't for the big clams that would only dig in the sand, she would send them.

After a while, she didn't see the cave spirit coming out, wondering, "Where have you been? Why haven't you come out yet?"

A grieving voice from the cave came from the gods: "Whoo, you've hurt me!

As I said, I got out of the ground. Where did I think I got to the dangerous side? If I hadn't rushed back into the ground, I might have been sucked into the small space.

Now that I've had a complete circle, I don't even know where I am. "

When Yun Chuyu heard the words of the cave spirit, his heart moved: "What did you just say? You say it again."

The cave aura snored: "Do you have a conscience ?! Don't hurry to find a way to come to me, even let me repeat my history of blood and tears!"

"Less nonsense, if you don't talk, just stay under the ground!"

The cave had no choice but to repeat what he had just said.

After a while, Yun Chu said joyfully: "Fortunately, you are lost, otherwise I really can't think of a good way to solve the problem!"

The cave aura quickly said, "Don't worry about what you can do first, come and save me!"

Yun Chuyu released the small mushrooms and small scoops and asked them to find the cave spirit.

Although their fighting power is not good, but the mycelium is developed, and they quickly found the cave spirit.

When the cave spirit regained sight of the sky, I was in a mood to ask Yun Chuyu what was a good idea.

"Did you just say that? When you noticed that there was suction, you got into the ground, which means that the power of the chaotic space can only absorb the creatures on the ground, and hiding in the ground will be safe." Yun Chuyu said.

Grotto pondered for a moment: "Aren't you trying to get under the ground, right? You won't dig a hole!"

"can not you do it?!"

Cave Spirit: "..."

"Even if I help you dig a hole, you are so big and I am so small, you ca n’t get in the tunnel I dug!

Besides, who knows how far away the ancient clan is from here, have you been standing under the ground?

Short time is OK, if time is long, you are not afraid of strangling? !! "

Yun Chu said with a smile: "I didn't say I want to go, you take the dog's tail grass to investigate, I'll wait for your news here."

"You let it go on its own, why should you let me go? I'm road blind." Cave Ling reluctantly said.

Yun Chuyu's face sank: "Less nonsense, let you go, you go, otherwise be careful I pack you!"

Grind suddenly persuaded!

"I didn't say no, why are you in a hurry ?! May I slow down for a while and then release it?"

(End of this chapter)

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