Chapter 9075 Weathering

Shi Du closes his eyes wide, and after a while, he reopens his eyes. As a result, the ground is empty, and there is no black stone.

He now has only two thoughts in his heart, one is why those black puppets become stone faces?

One is if the grandfather and the clan know that this matter will rip him off?

Although he was almost killed by black puppets, these black puppets are after all babies left by their ancestors, so they turned into stone faces, how did he explain?

He slowed down for a while before staggering back to the cave.

Yun Chujiu was chewing on the fruit, but he didn't know what it was, and it smelled so sweet.

Shi Dukuan sucked his nose, swallowed his saliva, and then spurned himself. When did it all happen? ! It's really no good!

He bypassed Yunchujiu and approached those mounds.

After hesitating for a while, I finally picked up a pile of stone faces with my hands. I didn't see any difference from the usual stone faces.

He was messy for a while, and then turned to ask Yun Chujiu: "Sister Chujiu, why did these black puppets become stone faces?"

Yun Chujiu vaguely said while chewing the fruit: "It is estimated that it is too many years and weathered."

Shi Dukuan: "..."

Even if you want to lie to me, find a valid statement!

Too many years? weathering?

This is no ordinary stone! Besides, even ordinary stones can't be weathered into stone faces at once? !

But no matter what Shi Dukuan asked, Yun Chujiu said this, and said sincerely:

"Brother Shi, what I said is true, if I lie, let Sky Lei kill me!"

Although Shi Dukuan felt that she was lying, everyone else took a vow of oath, and he couldn't ask any more.

Forget it, weather it!

Yun Chujiu threw him a fruit, and he sat on the ground and gnawed.

Regardless of how it is said, the days still have to be lived, so let's talk about it when we are full.

This fruit is so fragrant!

At this time, he saw a wooden box next to Yun Chujiu, and wondered: "Sister Jujiu, why did you bring a small coffin? Why didn't you put it in the storage ring?"

Yun Chujiu glanced at the wooden box and said, "Someone has fortune-tell me, saying that carrying this gadget can make a fortune, so I sometimes carry it."

Shi Dukuan: "..."

Can you pull a little more? !

He saw that Yun Chujiu didn't want to say this, and didn't even ask.

"Brother Shi, didn't you just ask me how I came out of the Baqi secret realm? There is nothing wrong with me now, let me tell you!"

Shi Dukuan suddenly felt refreshed, and even forgot his injuries, leaned his neck and listened with his ears raised.

"At that time, I was fighting for my life to collect enough materials from eight tribes, because I was so invested that I forgot to close the secret area.

When I responded, after chanting the secret words, I was not teleported, but teleported to the edge of the enchantment.

I see that the enchantment is about to be closed, there is no way, just use my finger to pull it.

I remember you still wanted to help me, right? "

Shi Dukuan nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, but unfortunately I am powerless and unable to touch the enchantment, what happens later?"

Yun Chujiu continued: "Later I saw that it really couldn't be opened, and I felt that even if I couldn't get out, I had to send the materials out anyway.

So, I threw out the storage ring with supplies. "

(End of this chapter)

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