Chapter 9076 Xiaodou Bao

Shi Du nodded broadly and moved: "Sister Jiu Jiu, you are so great! If it were not for you, my grandfather, they would probably be worried!"

and after? How did you come out? How did it come to Xuanshi Cliff? "

Yun Chujiu continued: "After I threw out the ring at that time, I have already broken some jars and are ready to come out after five years.

But I thought of our great cause and felt that it was too much to waste five years of time. So I threatened and lured and asked some valuable clues from Xiaodoubao. "

Shi Duan's face is ashamed: "Xiaodou Bao?"

When will Dou Bao also speak?

Yun Chujiu patted his head and put a demon beast out of the beast's bag. He made a nuisance: "Hey, it's a small bean bag."

Shi Dukuan: "..."

Is n’t that the Baqi Honey Badger? ! It's called ... Xiaodou Bao?

When he was in a circle, the invincible honey badger yelled at him twice, how to drop? Don't take bean bags as dry food! Want to do it? !

If it wasn't just a fight with those black puppets, you have to beat you up!

Yun Chujiu kicked an invincible honey badger. The invincible honey badger had no choice but to lie down on the ground and give her a leather cushion.

"Xiao Dou Bao and I said that although the enchantment opened once every five years, it was not very stable when it was closed, and some places would be weaker, maybe you can go out.

My dead horse was a living horse doctor, and began to look for weaknesses along the way.

Not to mention, after two days of searching, I really found one, how to see it is different from other places.

I tried to attack the enchantment to see if there could be a gap, and the result was muddled into darkness.

How to describe it, like the feeling that we entered the teleportation array.

It's just that the feeling lasted for several days, and when I came out, I heard what you were destined there.

Although I'm so embarrassed, I want to help you when I see you in danger.

Who knew that at this time, the black puppets ran there like ghosts, and then turned into stone faces. "

Shi Dukuan was shocked, but Yun Chujiu said it was too bizarre.

He froze for a while before saying: "I guess the black puppet turned into a stone face must be related to the power that sent you out."

The invincible honey badger who was obediently acting as a leather cushion pouted, stupid! What do you believe in what she says? There is no truth in it!

The truth of the matter is this:

At the beginning, Yunchujiu kept going through the small passages of the space, but he never failed to leave.

Coupled with the disappearance of Xiao Jinyun, Yun Chujiu's mood can be imagined.

That is, she had to collapse for another person.

She felt that it was not a way to go on like this. Once the dog's tail grass had exhausted their power, she would have really died in the small passage of space.

So she let the dog's tail grass stop them first, she thought about it and made plans.

However, there is no clue how to think about it.

Just when she was terrified, Xiao Jinyun suddenly appeared.

A slight golden light flashed on it. At that moment, Yun Chujiu subconsciously knew that it was Emperor Beiming who was in control of Xiao Jinyun at this time.

When Yun Chujiu was surprised, he found something wrapped in pale golden light.

With a closer look, she saw the kneeling red skull and the small coffin beside him, coughing, and a small wooden box.

(End of this chapter)

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