Chapter 9085 Provoked Something

Although I heard the voice of the invincible honey badger, but because of the dense forest cover, I could not see what was going on.

Yun Chujiu saw Shi Dukuan didn't keep up, he could not help but turned back to urge it, and then saw Shi Dukuan's forehead full of cold sweat, walking a bit difficult.

Yun Chujiu remembered this, this is the wounded, busy whispered: "Are you okay? Or else you take a rest here first, I'll go and see."

Shi Du wide face solemnly said: "You be more careful! I think there is something wrong here, I am a little upset, I feel a terrifying coercion in front."

Yun Chujiu was stunned, not because of injury?

Intimidating coercion?

To be honest, she really didn't feel it.

But Shi Dukuan can't lie. Could it be that the opponent said by the invincible honey badger is strange?

What the **** is this thing causing?

She suddenly increased her vigilance and carried the broken sword in her hand.

She let Shi Dukuan walk slowly, but she accelerated her pace, wanting to see what the invincible honey badger was fighting against.

Finally out of the jungle, Yun Chujiu also saw the situation in front of him, and then froze for a while.

I saw a huge black puppet lying on the side in the distance, his eyes closed, his right hand against his head, and his left hand had an unmatched and invincible honey badger.

It's not so much a trick, it's rather amusement.

The invincible honey badger was very active, and he kept shouting.

Yun Chujiu's heart suddenly raised an idea, this thing will not be those little black puppets ... Dad?

She turned all the little cubs into stone noodles. If she knew this, she had to kill her.

Her first reaction was to run quickly!

When she was about to use her consciousness to notify the invincible honey badger to quickly withdraw, there was a plop from behind.

Yun Chujiu turned his head and saw Shi Dukuan knelt on the ground, and he still murmured in his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Yun Chujiu said, how is this crazy?

She hurried to his side and lowered her voice and asked, "What are you doing? This stuff will not be the puppet's dad? Let's run quickly!"

Shi Dukuan looked up at the dull face, and then said tremblingly: "This, this is ours, ours, the tribal totem."

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Do you want to be so accidental or exciting? !

Is this a tribal totem of the hill tribe?

Should n’t the tribal totem be offered in a temple? Why did you lie down here?

Besides, if this thing is a tribal totem, why doesn't Shi Dukuan know where this is?

However, it is obviously not about asking these times, not to mention anything else. It looks like the stone is wide and trembling like sieve chaff. I ca n’t tell you anything.

Suddenly she patted her head, and Shi Duguan's roots are the people of the mountain tribe, they don't even need to run!

She is going to run!

So, she quickly used her consciousness and invincible honey badger to say: "You are stupid, this thing is a totem of the hill tribe, maybe it is the father of those puppets, don't you run quickly?"

The invincible honey badger immediately stiffened and ran away.

However, the black puppet's finger lightly ticked, and the invincible honey badger who just ran out was taken back again.

So many times, the invincible honey badger is desperate!

"Master, run yourself! Leave me alone! Let me die here in another place! Just let me be young, no, you die early!"

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Tomorrow to continue, remember to vote, what!

(End of this chapter)

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