Chapter 9086 Pay Me Back

Yun Chujiu has always been short, it is impossible to leave the invincible honey badger.

Furthermore, even if she wanted to run now, she might not be able to run.

So she decided not to run.

Seeing this, the invincible honey badger was very moved.

Although it is strong buy and sell, but the owner is still very good for it.

In the future, it must be rehabilitated, less fighting, more work.

Shi Dukuan had already kneeled to Yun Chujiu's side at this time, and had the courage to say to the mountain tribe totem:

"Master Totem, she, she is my friend, there is no malice to you, please forgive her offense."

Just a few words have exhausted almost all of Shi Shikuan's courage and strength. After he finished speaking, the sweat was raining and his body was shaking like sieve.

The black puppet slowly opened his eyes, and Yun Chujiu burst into his heart. He just looked at the black puppet and the little puppets that turned into stone faces.

Those little puppets are veritable puppets, and they have almost no wit, but the black puppets in front of them have deep eyes and high wit.

Its voice was a bit lazy: "Why didn't I break my toy without malicious intent? Those were all made by me."

Shi Dukuan was shocked and scared. What surprised him was that the puppet above the Xuanshi Cliff turned out to be a toy pinched by the tribe's totem. What was scared was that this thing might not be good.

He shivered and said, "Master Totem Mingjian, those little puppets are out of control and out of control. Sister Jiu Jiu is also to save me.

Furthermore, it was n’t her intentional destruction, but the power of the teleportation that destroyed the puppets. "

The black puppet still looks lazy: "I don't care what the process is, in short, you broke my toy.

Either make the same compensation to me, or I kill the toy she gave me.

As for you, anyway, it is also my people, I will leave your life. "

Shi Dukuan is desperate!

Make exactly the same? This is simply impossible!

Could it be that Sister Chujiu was killed by the tribal totem?

He hesitated, and then gritted his teeth: "It happened because of me. You let her go and let me die!"

The black puppet's tone turned cold: "Hugh must be noisy, if you don't know how to lift, even kill you together!"

Shi Dukuan would like to say again, Yun Chujiu said lightly: "If I can make the same puppet, you will stop investigating this matter and let us leave?"

"This is natural, why? Can you do it?" The black puppet asked.

"Don't dare to say that it is ten percent, but it is still there.

However, I need time, after all, the number is a bit large, I am afraid it is difficult to complete in a short time. "Yun Chujiu said.

The black puppet thought for a while: "Give you half a month, if you can't do it, I will kill you and make your body into a new puppet toy."

Speaking of which, it poked invincible honey badger with his little finger again and said, "Yes, there is this gadget, which happens to be a beast-shaped puppet."

The invincible honey badger was poked several times, but he didn't dare to have a temper, and for the first time in his life, he counseled.

Even if Yun Chujiu cleaned it up before, it was also disobedient, but now it is convincing.

The reason is very simple, it really can't beat others!

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Okay, if I can't do it, either I or Xiaodou Bao is at my disposal.

However, there are raw materials to make things, please provide them. "

(End of this chapter)

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