Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9101: It's so ridiculous

Chapter 9101 is too ridiculous

Shi patriarchs and others also think that this statement is too ridiculous, how could it be possible to pick up so many purple blood spider eggs? !

Yun Chujiu said leisurely: "You didn't pick it up, it's your bad luck, so tell me, I just walked a bit, and I walked to a place where there were all purple blood spiders.

Those purple blood spiders are different from the purple blood spiders elsewhere, they can lay a nest of eggs at a time.

What's even more amazing is that they took the initiative to give me eggs. I later thought about it. 80% of them are because I look good. "

Everyone: "..."

Can you be more bullshit? !

Seeing that she refused to tell the truth, the Shi patriarch did not continue to ask, and instead asked: "How did you leave the Baqi secret realm? Why did you reach our mountain tribe?"

Yun Chujiu suddenly smiled badly when he heard Yan: "You have to ask Shi Dukuan about this, he knows the ins and outs of things very well.

Shi Dukuan, please tell us! "

Shi Dukuan heard the words and immediately gritted his teeth: "Why let me say? You don't have a long mouth!"

Yun Chujiu's small face suddenly gloomy: "Remember your identity, if you are not obedient, hum!"

Shi Dukuan revealed a look of humiliation and resentment: "Yun Chujiu, don't go too far!"

The Shi patriarchs and others looked at them very puzzled. They all understood Shi Dukuan's personality and knew that he had a contradiction with Yun Chujiu. How can he now look at him for not violating Yun Chujiu's order? In the end what happened?

At this time, Shi Dukuan gritted his teeth and said, "Master Totem took her from the Baqi secret realm to our mountain tribe."

As soon as he said this, the patriarch Shi and others were shocked!

The host Chun even jumped up from the chair: "What are you talking about? Master Totem got her? Why?"

Shi Dukuan said indignantly: "Master Totem didn't say that, I guess it was because she helped us before, so the big totem rescued her."

The stone patriarch continued to ask: "How do you know these? How did you get down from the black stone cliff?"

Shi Dukuan heard that his face was unnatural, but he replied:

"Master Totem confirmed some things about Yun Chujiu, so he got me from Xuanshi Cliff into the forbidden ground."

The Shi patriarch was undecided and asked, "How did you get the injury on your body?"

Shi Dukuan heard that his nose was sore and almost cried.

It was the grandfather who hurt him, the others were not blind, and he must have been found to be injured, and the injury was not light, but no one asked him.

He took a deep breath and said, "Yes, Master Totem punished him."

The patriarch of the stone patriarch froze: "Master Totem punished? Why did Master Totem punish you?"

Shi Dukuan was silent for a moment before he gritted his teeth and said: "Because I questioned its decision, it made it unhappy."

The chieftain of the stone clan suddenly angered: "Nonsense! Master Totem is so brilliant, we should follow every decision it makes without reason. How can you question its decision?"

Shi Duchang was secretly happy, this Shi Dukuan was really arrogant, and even dared to question Master Totem's decision, it really deserved it!

It's a pity in his heart, why didn't the totem kill him? !

Shi Du said with a long holiday: "Cousin Du Kuan, didn't I say you, don't you know that Lord Totem is supreme ?!

Mo said what decision it made, even if it let us die, we should follow.

You are so ridiculous! "

(End of this chapter)

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