Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9102: Don't rely on me

Chapter 9102 Do n’t Rely on Me

Master Chun Tang also frowned: "Wait wide, you are too impulsive! How can you question Master Totem's decision ?! By the way, what decision did Master Totem make, do you object so much?"

Shi Dukuan gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and finally closed his eyes and said:

"Totem Master Feng Yunchujiu is the totem messenger of our hill tribe, let her experience the people's feelings for it."


"what did you say?!"

"Can you say that again!"


Even the always calm Qiu Tang jumped up from the chair, it is really amazing Shi Duokuan!

Before anyone else spoke, Shi Du shouted sharply:

"You lie! You talk nonsense! You must say that you want to cover up your crimes, these are all good things you and Yun Chujiu colluded with!

You dare to arrange even totem adults, you want to be a traitor! "

Seeing Shi Dukuan's silence, he said to the Shi patriarch: "Grandpa, he is just talking nonsense. Even if the totem master is looking for a totem messenger, it is impossible to find an outsider from another tribe.

Therefore, these are compiled by Shi Dukuan and Yun Chujiu.

I want to say that Shi Dukuan must have a handle in Yunchujiu's hand, so he just spread such a big lie. "

The Shi patriarch almost jumped up just now. Fortunately, he calmed down at the last moment.

He looked at Shi Dukuan: "Du Kuan, what you just said is true?"

"Grandfather, I said nothing false.

At that time, I was too shocked and too incomprehensible, so I had a fevered mind and questioned the decision of Master Totem.

As a result, they were beaten by the totem master's toys, the black puppets above the black stone cliff.

If you don't believe it, you can get me to be injured. "Shi Dukuan said vowedly.

Of course, there is no such thing as false, because ... most of them are false.

The Shi patriarch nodded and instructed Chun Tang to give Shi Dukuan an injury.

After a moment, Master Chun Tang said: "Patriarch, these injuries do indeed appear to have been caused by the black puppets above the black stone cliff, and it seems that the injuries were not light at the time.

Yun Chujiu smiled and said: "Master Tang, good eyesight! At that time, the totem master wanted his life, or I couldn't bear to help pleading, which saved him.

So, his life is now mine, and I can only take orders from me. "

Shi Dukuan: It seems that we didn't have this before?

However, he thought again that his life was indeed saved by Yun Chujiu, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Shi Duchang said with a sneer: "Even if Shi Dukuan was saved by you, this matter may not be related to Master Totem.

Maybe you used any means to reach the top of Xuanshi Cliff, and then Shi Duan played this bitter plan.

Unless you can come up with a voucher, no one will believe your bullshit! "

Yun Chujiu still looks like a smile: "I want a certificate? Oh, actually, I don't want to take it out, because Lord Totem said, seeing the token is like it is coming in person, you all kneel and kowtow!

You're fine, it wasn't so shameless, but the Shi patriarchs and others are my elders after all, so I'm so sorry to let them kneel for me! "

Shi Duchang said with a sneer: "You are less sharp-mouthed, I don't think you have any, so I said these excuses."

Yun Chujiu sighed and looked at the Shi patriarch and others: "Stone patriarch, four hostess, this is what he forced me, don't rely on me!"

(End of this chapter)

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