Chapter 9105 The Split Stone

Even if the host Chun said this, the host Xia still disagreed, just a yellow-haired girl, how deep can the city be? !

In his view, Yun Chujiu is a snack with some chance.

Seeing that he did not listen to persuasion, Chun Tang also said that he was too lazy to know that he would have suffered a loss by then.

On the other side, Shi Duchang accompanied Yun Chujiu to leave the reception hall and said hypocritically: "Totem messenger, I didn't know your identity before. I offended you a lot. Please forgive me."

"It's okay, anyway, you have been kneeling for so long, and I'm relieved."

Shi Duchang: "..."

He squeezed a smile: "Totem Messenger is really funny, no wonder Lord Totem values ​​you."

"That's natural. I have all the advantages of my body, much better than your waste!"

Shi Duchang felt that he couldn't talk anymore this day, and then he had to vomit blood.

Yun Chujiu said impatiently: "Where is the hacked place? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

"It's coming! It's the totem square in front." Shi Du said busyly.

Yun Chujiu glanced at him: "Totem Square, you have nothing to do there? What will Tianlei come to hack you?"

Shi Du's long nose almost crooked!

He wished he could shoot Yun Chujiu to death, but he didn't dare, so he pressed his anger and said:

"You don't know about the totem messenger, today is just the day when the main hall of the church gave lectures publicly, so I went to the totem square to listen to the Fa.

Furthermore, the stone that was split was several feet away from me, and it had nothing to do with me. "

Yun Chujiu heard the words and said with heart, it seems that the dark puppet is not this stone-length long.

Also, he is at most a villain, and he should not have that ability.

Immediately afterwards, she wondered: "How can there be stones on Totem Square?"

"This, the totem square is in front of you, you can see it with your own eyes." Shi Duchang said.

Yun Chujiu raised his head and saw a very wide square not far away, more prominently was the totem statue standing in the middle.

This totem statue is not a black puppet, but a mountain pattern on a black token.

Approaching, Yun Chujiu found that there were many stones around the totem statue, and he couldn't understand: "What do you do with so many stones?"

Shi Duchang explained: "You don't know that the totem messenger, these stones are not ordinary stones, but Wan Jing stone, which represents our loyalty to Lord Totem."

Yun Chujiu said that this mountain tribe is wonderful, but there are still such customs.

She asked again: "Although there are many stones here, but your mountain tribe has a large number of people, not everyone is qualified to offer stones?"

"You are really smart, and there are indeed restrictions. Only those students who have achieved the top ten in the elite hall graduation assessment are eligible to donate stones.

Those who donate stones can write their own name on the back of the stone, which is the glory that all the hill tribe people pursue.

I have also received such an honor, and the last row of stones with black lines is from me. "Shi Duchang said with some pride.

After he finished speaking, he specifically looked at Shi Dukuan, who had been silent for a while, and said, "Cousin Du Kuan has not yet given a chance to donate a stone because he has not graduated from Elite Hall."

Shi Dukuan snorted coldly and ignored him.

Yun Chujiu was not interested in Shi Duchangxian's offering of stones. She was interested in the name behind each stone. The stone that was split must also have a name.

So she asked, "Who gave the stone that was split?"

(End of this chapter)

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