Chapter 9106

"The stone that was split was not offered by our people, but was one of the broken stones on the statue a few days ago.

You see, the scattered small stones all fell from the statue.

It's no wonder that this statue has been standing here since our hill tribe was established.

It is unavoidable that the wind blows in the sun and the sun grows deeper.

I heard that their grandfathers had prepared to ask Lord Totem to repair the statue, but it was delayed because of the matter of the Eight Qi Secret Realm. "Shi Duchang explained.

Yun Chujiu was a little ignorant when he heard the words. Was it the stone that fell on the statue?

Although this statue is a mountain pattern, it should actually be a black puppet, right?

So the black puppet who was struck by lightning?

Hurt yourself?

Perhaps the sky thunder was only accidental, and it was not brought by her crow mouth at all. After all, her crow mouth was not working at all.

It seems that the investigation has to find another direction.

Suddenly, Yun Chujiu couldn't find any clue.

According to her understanding of the eight tribes, the tribes are extremely awesome to their tribal totems. After all, they all have to rely on the tribal totems.

Unless that person surrenders to the Tian tribe, after all, the Tian tribe has a very good means, and it is not impossible to help people change the summon beast.

Since the Tribe has found that person, it is estimated that the identity of the person will not be low, so she has to investigate among those who have the identity.

Thinking of this, she said to Shi Duchang:

"You said to the patriarch Shi, although I don't like the show, but this is my first appearance. You let him call the people with head and face in the tribe for a while."

Shi Du agreed with his busy schedule. He did not dissatisfy him because of Yun Chujiu.

Because he saw it, Yun Chujiu ignored Shi Duankuan's existence at all, and it was estimated that bringing him around was tormenting him.

If this is the case, he will be aggrieved to please this Yunchujiu, maybe there will be some surprises, after all, she is a totem messenger.

As for the face, he has been ostracized by Shi Duan for many years, and he hasn't cared about it for a long time.

He took out the vocal note to pass the news to the Shi clan chief, and Yun Chujiu looked at those Wan Jing stones.

Shi Duchang put away the vocal note and said flatly, "The grandfather has already arranged it. What else do you need to order?"

Yun Chujiu glanced at him, and said with heart, this Shi Duchang changed his face quickly, is this going to please her?

She pointed to the Wan Jingshi and said, "It's fine for the time being. I'm thinking that these Wan Jingshi should be very valuable? Willn't you lose it here?"

Shi Duchang: "..."

Is Yun Chujiu's brain abnormal?

This is the core area of ​​the mountain tribe, and under the totem statue, which one who is not afraid of death will steal the Wanjing stone? !

Although he thought so in his heart, he laughed with his face: "There are people patrolling here day and night, and they will not lose it."

Yun Chujiu nodded and said, "I'm relieved! Master Totem asked me to observe the people's feelings for it, even if it's a bit of detail."

"You really did your duty, no wonder Lord Totem is optimistic about you." Shi Duchang begged.

Yun Chujiu said with satisfaction: "It seems that I had misunderstood you before, and you are more clever than Shi Duo.

I was wondering, why did the Shi patriarch take him everywhere but not you?

Is it because Shi Dukuan looks like him?

However, you can rest assured that I will make a few words for you in front of Master Totem, and then you will have your own benefits. "

(End of this chapter)

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