Chapter 9107

Yun Chujiu said it was Shi Duchang's heart. He always felt that he was wider and stronger than Shi Du. The reason why the Shi patriarchs value Shi Dukuan is because they look like them.

Because of this, he was always unwilling, and he wished he could step on Shi Dukuan under his feet.

He glanced proudly at the stoneness of his teeth and said:

"Thanks for the cultivation of the totem messenger, the banquet should take a while to start, I will accompany you to go shopping elsewhere?"

"Alright, I heard that if your puppet of the hill tribe lacks arms and legs, it can be repaired with Wan Jingshi. It is better to take me to a place where you can repair the puppet." Yun Chujiu said.

Shi Duan frowned wide: "The place where the puppets are repaired is the tribe's important place, you can't go!"

When Shi Du listened for a long time, he said angrily, "What is this you say ?! The totem messenger is not an outsider, what can't go ?!"

Totem messenger, don't listen to his nonsense, please on your side! "

Yun Chujiu nodded with satisfaction, and said to Shi Duchang: "I did not misread you!"

After she finished speaking, she said to Shi Dukuan displeasedly: "It seems that the lessons given by Master Totem are not enough. If you make me unhappy again, hurry up so as not to hinder my eyes!"

Shi Duchang is more proud this time!

He even thought it was too late to meet Yun Chujiu!

As long as I knew that such a person would appear in the sky, he would not make a deal with the old guy at all.

If the old guy had encouraged him, he really didn't want to kill Shi Duguan.

It is not that there is brotherly affection, but that it is afraid of causing trouble afterwards.

Well now, Shi Dukuan has attracted Lord Totem and the Totem Messenger, as long as he pleases the Totem Messenger, the position of the heir of the patriarch is his!

This is much more than killing Shi Duokuan insurance, and you can also see Shi Duokuan's dismal appearance, and he is more relieved than killing him.

With such a thought, he was more attentive to Yun Chujiu, and he knelt down to call his ancestors!

Shi Dukuan felt that he hadn't even seen it. He couldn't help but marvel. Sister Jiu Jiu was really powerful. After a while, Shi Duchang took hold.

Only, why did she go to repair the puppet place?

Isn't it hard to believe that you can pinch the black puppets above the black stone cliff if you observe it there?

This is simply impossible!

Besides, the situation is not the same as before. Lord Totem is more concerned about pulling out the traitor.

He felt very heavy when he thought of traitor.

He is not stupid. Since Master Totem agreed with Yun Chujiu's suggestion, it means that the hill tribe did commit a crime.

He had never thought that the hill tribe would have an internal traitor. Who would it be?

After walking for a while, I heard the sound of ding ding bang inside.

The foundry hall, where the stone puppets were repaired, arrived.

Although there are guards at the door, Shi Dukuan and Shi Duchang have special identities. After simply registering, they let the three in.

As soon as he entered, Yunchujiu found that the temperature here was much higher than outside.

At the same time, there was a sound of excitement and crying in her **** consciousness:

"Master, my good master!

I knew you loved me the most!

Although you blame me, you always miss me.

You deliberately asked him to bring you here just to let me steal food, right? !

Oh, I am so moved!

It's so delicious here, I didn't know for a while which one should be eaten first! "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Continue tomorrow, oh!

(End of this chapter)

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