Chapter 9108 Starving to Death

Yun Chujiu could not cut the soul of the soul-finishing to see if it had a brain? !

She came here to steal it?

It's whimsical!

She said harshly: "You dismissed this idea as soon as possible. Last time you burned the horseshoe of the man from the Tian tribe, I haven't asked you to settle the account yet. If you dare to make your own claims, I can't spare you!"

The soul of soul refining suddenly wilted!

"If you don't let you eat, you won't let you eat. It's boring to find the account.

You can rest assured that if you do n’t let me eat, I wo n’t eat, and let me starve to death! "

Yun Chujiu ignored it, starved to death? Do n’t worry about starving!

She no longer ignored the soul of refining the soul, and began to look at the situation of the foundry.

The foundry hall covers a large area, and her location at this time is not the place where the casting takes place, but more like an office place.

Shi Duchang pleased: "Totem messenger, the foundry hall has set up several sub-chapels according to the casting link. Do we start from the beginning, or go directly to the last one?"

"It's too late, let's start from the beginning!" Yun Chujiu said lightly.

Shi Duchang immediately took Yun Chujiu to a courtyard on the west side and introduced: "After the stone puppets of the clan are damaged, the first step is to go to a branch hall for mold sampling."

At this time, there happened to be a tribe who came to collect the model, and the stone puppet's left leg was broken.

The most vulnerable part of the stone puppet is the limbs, so the disciples in the branch are proficient in this operation.

Modeling is to construct a form that requires forging prosthetic limbs according to the condition of the residual limbs and body. I saw that the disciple took a clay-like thing and got out a model of the prosthetic limb in a moment.

After the person who came over for repairs, he pressed the fingerprint on the model and left.

Shi Duchang introduced: "The rest of the process is very time-consuming. It usually takes ten days and a half months, and the person will be notified to come and pick it up."

He also took Yun Chujiu to visit the next few procedures. The Erfentang is a calcined Wanjing stone to create the prototype of the prosthesis.

In the process of calcination, the stump powder of stone puppets should be added in proportion, which is more conducive to future fusion.

The three-point hall is carefully crafted to perfect the details of the prosthesis.

Yun Chujiu found that there is nothing special about the work of the three branches, is it that simple?

"Totem messenger, there are four to eight points in front.

The functions of these five branches are the same. They all help to integrate the stone puppet and the prosthesis. During the fusion process, they cannot be disturbed by others, so it will be lighter when we go in later. "Shi Duchang urged.

After Yun Chujiu nodded, he took Yun Chujiu into the Fifth Hall.

Coincidentally, just one person was preparing for prosthetic fusion, and his stone puppet was missing his right forearm.

The man knelt down on the ground and began to recite secret words, and said in a joke, Yun Chujiu didn't know what he was talking about.

Amazingly, as he chanted, the prosthesis originally placed on the ground floated up close to the stone puppet.

The prosthetic limb gradually approached the fracture until it closed tightly.

The man had been chanting secrets all the time, his face pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Yun Chujiu thought of what Shi Dukuan said to him before, and guessed that this person should be using his consciousness to guide the prosthesis and the stone puppet while chanting secret words.

Suddenly, with a bang, the prosthesis fell to the ground.

Update the remaining three chapters at five.

(End of this chapter)

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