Chapter 9110 Fuss

On weekdays, there are people who do not deal with Shi Duwang, so they laugh at him with this matter.

He was angry, and he went to the test bench with the other party as soon as he returned to the clan.

As a result, his stone puppet was beaten to the right by his opponent, and it happened to come together today.

When he saw Yun Chujiu, he could be said that the enemy was very jealous when they met each other.

Before I learned that Yun Chujiu was trapped in the Baqi secret realm, he almost laughed and sighed. He was so relieved!

Who knows that Yun Chujiu not only died, but even jumped to the mountain tribe, which is really harmful!

Although he hated Yun Chujiu, he saw that Shi Duchang and Shi Duku were there, so he didn't dare to make it.

Yun Chujiu saw him, but nodded to him with a smile, beckoned.

Shi Duwang couldn't help but scolded her heart. This stinky girl was just a black heart. She had hurt him so badly before.

He completely forgot, it was obviously because of his bad intentions that he wanted to rob Yunchujiu before he had the following things.

He couldn't help wondering, why did Shi Duchang be very flattering to her? Is it because she helped the eight tribes before?

When he was puzzled, the disciples of Bafentang urged: "Shi Duwang, you can start to merge."

Shi Duwang stabilized his mind, the matter of integration was more important, and he had the opportunity to find a stinky girl to settle the bill.

He recites the secret words while guiding his right hand prosthesis with his consciousness, and the progress is quite smooth.

Yun Chujiu silently remembered the secret words he chanted. After hearing it, he already remembered it, and turned his attention to the right hand prosthesis.

She wondered, before Shi Dukuan said that the added residual limb powder does not necessarily have to be the residual limb of the repaired object, then the question arises, can the prosthesis be placed on any stone puppet?

If you follow this inference, does it mean that these prostheses can be spliced ​​together at will?

For example, the right hand prosthesis placed on the left stone platform and the arm prosthesis placed on the right stone platform are stitched together?

This product has always been the master who wanted to do it, so he began to whisper secretly, and guided the two prostheses together with his consciousness.

The soul refining heart of her right hand said, "You are not from the hill tribe. Is there a fart to recite secret words?" !

Its master is good at all, but it is indistinguishable.

Now it is imperative to make it full and do what these useless things do? !

Shi Dukuan and Shi Duchang and others in the house also heard Yun Chujiu chanting secret words and thought she was just curious.

Shi Duchang had already figured out how to flatter him for a while. He said that the memory of Master Totem was amazing. After listening to it several times, he remembered the blessing of blessing.

It doesn't matter what the leak is, the others are totem messengers, and it's normal to know some blessings.

He took the opportunity to brag a few more words, and will surely coax her to turn around, when the heir of the patriarch is his, and Shi Dukuan, the prodigal, will vomit blood ...

While he was about to enter Feifei, he heard a disciple of Bafentang exclaim.

Shi Duchang was a little dissatisfied, what was he calling out? ! All his dreams have been disturbed!

Besides, do n’t disciples in the foundry know that others ca n’t be disturbed when they merge? ! How come there is no such thing as professional ethics? !

He was exclaimed when he heard Shi Dukuan.

He couldn't help but look at Shi Duankui contemptuously, and made no fuss about it.

(End of this chapter)

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