Chapter 9111

Shi Duchang was trying to bury Shi Dukuan a few words, and heard the people of the Eighth Fame Hall screaming one after another, even Shi Duwang's secret blessings paused for a moment.

He finally realized that something was wrong, and looked at Shi Dukuan's eyes, and then he made a roaring roar.

"Move, move! How did the prosthesis move?"

The left-hand prosthesis placed on the left stone platform and the forearm prosthesis placed on the right stone platform are all floating, and they are slowly moving together.

Shi Duchang once again exclaimed: "The prosthesis is fine!"

This sentence of him can be said to represent the voice of the people present, isn't it just fine? !

Or why would you float yourself? !

If there is anything abnormal at this time, it is Yun Chujiu who has been whispering secret words.

However, no one thought about her. She was not from the hill tribe, and she did not have stone puppets. How could she command those prosthetics? !

Finally, the two prostheses came together and got together.

Although it is a bit awkward because the gaps do not fit together, they are really "long" together.

Yun Chujiu was very happy, and it seemed that her guess was right.

Since it can be connected together, can it also be split?

So, she began to guide the two prostheses apart with divine consciousness.

What she thinks is simple, since fusion is to guide them together with divine consciousness, but to separate is to split them with divine consciousness!

However, it was unsuccessful.

Not only that, but I do n’t know what went wrong, and the long arm prosthesis started to run out of control!

The stone closest to the prosthesis became unlucky, and the forearm prosthesis slapped on his face.

You know that it is a stone puppet's prosthesis. Even the forearm is close to half-foot long. With a slap, Shi Duchang was given to Fan Fei and fell into the courtyard.

After the arm prosthesis fan flew Shi Duchang, he gave an eighth disciple disciple to Fan Fei, and then ran to Shi Dukuan.

Shi Dukuan was scared!

You run!

But he stood like a fool and shouted, "Don't come! Don't come!"

Yun Chu's eyes quickly kicked him away, and then she ran out of the house.

Although Shi Dukuan was kicked by her, but the force was much smaller than the forearm prosthesis, and there was no injury.

At this time, the people in the house ran out, only Shi Duwang was still in the house.

He wanted to run, but the fusion reached the last moment, it would be a pity if he gave up at this time.

While he was trembling, he was shocked to find that the forearm prosthesis came towards him.

If you can usually direct your own stone puppet against the enemy, but during the fusion, the puppet's cultivation behavior is imprisoned and cannot help at all.

He wanted to run but was not reconciled. When he was hesitant, the forearm prosthesis was near.

His heart sank and it was over!

This fusion must have failed, and he had to be injured.

However, to his surprise, the forearm prosthesis did not attack him, but lightly hit the right hand that had been stuck to the fracture.

As a result, the right hand was sticky and crooked, and a gap appeared in the fracture.

When he was even more unbelievable, the forearm prosthesis glued itself to the open space.

Shi Duwang rubbed his eyes and then slapped himself on the face again, only to confirm that there was no hallucination.

Seeing that there was no movement inside, the people outside came over to probe the brain. Yun Chujiu rushed to the front, then blurted out:

"Yeah, your stone puppet has become three hands! It's fun!"

[Update postponed until 9pm]

The update was postponed until 9pm.

(End of this chapter)

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