Chapter 9129

Shi Duchang's face was stiff, why did he think Yun Chujiu was beating him?

At this time, Yun Chujiu continued: "After some discussion, it knows that it is wrong. I am the most generous person. As long as I dare to admit the error, I will give it a chance.

After all, is it possible for someone to be a sage? do you think so? "

Shi Du said dryly: "Yes, yes, what you said makes sense."

"In addition, sometimes people will go to the tip of their horns and feel that they are exhausted, and they are at a dead end. They can only do something with conscience.

In fact, the solution is always more difficult than it is, and it is better than speaking out.

Of course, this is also who you want to ask for help. If you want to ask Shi Duankuan for the waste, you might as well say nothing.

But if you ask me for help, it will be different!

Who am I? I'm a totem messenger who the Lord Totem personally admits to.

Take a step back and say that even if I can't solve it, I can ask Lord Totem for help. There are no difficult things that Lord Totem can't solve in this world. "

After Yun Chujiu finished speaking, he didn't continue, but looked at Shi Duchang with a light smile.

Shi Duchang saw his hair straightened, and he said, finished! She must have known that he was hurting her, so she said this.

How to do? Broke the pot and broke it, killing her directly?

He soon gave up the idea that stone puppets could not be used here, but Yun Chujiu had the help of the invincible honey badger and the rock rat king, and he was enough to beat her.

Furthermore, she is a totem messenger, maybe the totem master gave her some destructive treasure.

Admit? If you admit it, he will be exposed to Shi Dukuan before, and his future is over!

Yun Chujiu seemed to have guessed his thoughts, and his tone was slightly cold: "People have to learn to choose, otherwise they don't know how to die."

The invincible honey badger crouching next to her twitched her teeth at Shi Du. If you are not interested, I will look for you to fight.

Shi Du's heart stretched, and he fell to his knees on the ground.

"Totem messenger, I said, I said all! But that person seems to be able to detect my consciousness occasionally, and threatens me to make me a fool. You have to help me to solve this hidden danger before I can say."

Yun Chujiu frowned, could he detect the consciousness? Still make him a fool?

How is this method somewhat similar to that of the Divine Palace?

Did the man plant a mark of consciousness in Shi Duchang's consciousness?

She has some helplessness, how can she solve this problem?

The most important thing is that she has to figure out a way immediately, otherwise the other party will notice that Shi Duchang is different, and I'm afraid she will take action.

She thought of being busy here and said, "You stand up and start thinking in your head how to trick me to the hillside, don't think about anything else, lest he do it.

If I don't know what I want, I will scold me in the consciousness, scold Shi Dukuan, scold the Shi patriarch. "

Shi Duchang is not stupid. He stood up quickly and scolded Shi Dukuan in his consciousness.

He didn't dare to scold Yun Chujiu, mainly because he had scolded Shi Dukuan for so many years ... he was used to it.

Don't worry too much, scolding dozens of sets without duplicates.

He scolded and helped Yun Chujiu to find the fine stalagmites, so as to distract his attention, so as not to accidentally reveal the current situation.

Yun Chujiu seemed to be sitting leisurely there looking at the scenery, but he was constantly calculating the solution.

The most direct solution is to remove the imprint in Shidu Changshen Consciousness, but how to remove it? She has never done such a thing!

(End of this chapter)

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