Chapter 9130 Ins and Outs

She looked at Shi Duchang and asked, "Have you ever looked inside? Is there anything unusual?"

Shi Duchang continued to scold Shi Dukuan in his consciousness and said, "I found that there was a problem with my consciousness at Sandoucha before.

I do n’t know the exact problem. I do n’t think it ’s normal anyway.

By the way, that piece of consciousness happens to be the area associated with the summoning beast.

That old immortal is too vicious!

Not only will I be a fool, even my stone puppet is not going to let go ... "

Yun Chujiu saw that he had a chattering posture and quickly interjected: "The three turnouts you said were the places you went to the latrine before?"

After seeing Shi Du nodding, she narrowed her eyes and said, "Then you can look inside with your consciousness now, I think maybe it's okay now."

Shi Duchang didn't quite believe what Yun Chujiu said, but he still used his courage to start looking inside. The reason he used the courage was to fear the suspicion of the man.

Xu Yu had an incredible look on his face.

After a while, he began to cry and laugh again: "No! Really no problem! Totem messenger, did you remove it for me?"

Yun Chujiu shook his head: "Although I want to lie to you, I still have to be honest, I haven't thought of a solution yet."

"Then, how did my consciousness return to normal?" Shi Du asked puzzlingly.

"It's very simple, there is no way to release the stone puppet, so your spiritual connection with the stone puppet is temporarily imprisoned.

Since that area is imprisoned, the imprint of that person's consciousness will naturally not work. "Yun Chujiu explained.

Shi Duchang was stunned for a while, and then suddenly realized: "No wonder the old immortal did not urge me anymore, because he couldn't contact me with my mind here."

Yun Chujiu also breathed a sigh of relief. She just guessed just now, but didn't expect to be right.

"Since you are not in danger of life for a while, then talk about it, what is going on?

It's about this time, don't hide it, even if you don't say it, I also know that you worked on Xuanshi Cliff and wanted to kill Shi Duankuan. "

Shi Duchang now has no choice but to talk about the ins and outs.

He had always hated Shi Dukuan and felt that Shi Dukuan had robbed him of everything that had originally belonged to him.

Although Shi Dukuan acted arrogantly, he had no control, and he had no good way.

A year ago, he graduated from the elite hall with the first place and got the opportunity to dedicate ten thousand fine stones to the totem statue.

Needless to say, the scene at that time, he realized the glory of the pride of heaven again.

Because he is the first place, so the first to give Wan Jingshi.

While he was about to place Wan Jingshi, he found a vocal seal on the ground.

He guessed who left it carelessly, and felt that there was no need to put it in the storage ring because of this moment of glory that delayed him.

What he had never imagined was that on the night of that night, the vocal seal was trembling.

It stands to reason that this sound-seal seal can only be read by the receiving and sending parties, and Shi Duchang is also idle, so he dived into the consciousness, but did not expect an old voice to come inside:

"Shi Du is long, are you not reconciled? Do you think Shi Du is blocking your path?"

Shi Dukuan almost threw out the phonograph seal in his hand. At first, he didn't expect to hear the contents inside. Secondly, how did the other party know that he was it? And still know his thoughts?

(End of this chapter)

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