Chapter 9131 Secret Words

Shi Du stabilized his mind for a long time before he shouted inwardly: "Who are you?"

The old voice said: "Don't care who I am, you just need to remember that in the mountain tribe, only I can help you.

As long as you do what I say, I promise to help you get rid of Shi Duankuan and make you heir to the patriarch. "

Naturally, Shi Duchang wouldn't believe him, and sneered coldly: "You are all squirrels, what can you do for me?"

The man smiled somberly: "Well, let me give you a big gift first, lest you think I'm talking big.

As long as you use the secret method that I have taught you, you can make your stone puppet raise a rank. "

Shi Duchang suddenly moved!

Stone puppets are divided into nine ranks according to their qualifications. His stone puppet rank is one order lower than the stone width, which has become his heart disease.

He struggled for a few days, and finally used the secret method taught by the man.

Not to mention, his stone puppet really raised a grade!

He was almost crazy!

God has eyes, he finally has to turn over.

He thought what the man would ask, after all, there would be no pie in the sky.

But since then, the portrait has disappeared and has never appeared again.

Shi Duchang couldn't hold back, and took the initiative to contact the other party to help him get rid of Shi Dukuan.

"The time is not yet ripe, and I will contact you by then."

This class is almost a year, until he returned from the Baqi secret realm, the talent contacted him again.

The man promised that if Shi Dukuan entered the Xuanshi cliff, he would definitely die.

Yun Chujiu interjected: "So he didn't make any request?"

"I mention it! He asked me to drip blood on the totem statue, and told me to recite a secret phrase when it was not only very long but also obscure, I remember it for a long time.

But because Shi Duchang didn't die, I didn't do it either.

Later, you appeared!

I was awakened by your inspiration and felt that I was very wrong, so I did not intend to contact him.

He suddenly contacted me today to let me lead you to the hillside and buried you alive. How could I do such a thing? !

So I sternly rejected it, and closed the voice seal.

No one knows what method he used, and he can communicate with me using his consciousness, and threatened me to make me a fool if he did n’t do what he said.

Totem messenger, I said everything I know, you must be saved! "

Yun Chujiu didn't say anything, just kept staring at Shi Du's long eyes.

Shi Duchang dodged a little and said, "You, what do you look at me for?"

"It seems that you don't want me to save you at all, otherwise why are you still hiding the truth and not telling the whole truth?" Yun Chujiu sneered coldly.

Shi Duchang's face suddenly turned white, and he wondered whether Yun Chujiu had also done things in his mind, otherwise why would she know everything?

He stuttered and said, "Also, nothing was concealed, that is, I had dripped blood three times on the totem statue before.

The old immortal told me that this was to show his loyalty to Master Totem. I do n’t think it ’s okay. "

Yun Chujiu snorted softly: "Did you recite secret words while dropping?"

"Yin, recite! But it ’s different from what he asked me to recite this time, it ’s relatively short. If you want to listen, I can recite it to you."

Shi Du saw that Yun Chujiu had no objection and began to recite.

Suddenly, the rock rat king squeaked and said to Yun Chujiu with his consciousness: "No, it's a landslide!"

One day in April, remember to vote, see you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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