Chapter 9133 Guess

Yun Chujiu nodded when he heard the rock rat king's words. This was normal. The rock rat's combat strength was not strong. He had to be prepared to avoid natural enemies.

At this time, the rock rat king said pitifully: "Here is my killer. Now, in order to save you from exposure, I am sorry for my little brothers, I am dead!"

Yun Chujiu kicked it with his toes: "OK, then you die!"

Earth Rock Rat King: "..."

Normally, should n’t you comfort me? Then promise a certain compensation?

Yun Chujiu kicked it again: "Don't talk nonsense! Hurry up and lead the way and leave this ghost place! Maybe after the landslide, it will fall into the ground."

Yun Chujiu's guess is definitely not groundless. Since Stone Mountain can sink once, it can sink a second time.

The Rock Rat King shuddered in fear, and dared not play the lip, and hurriedly led the way ahead.

It really led the way, because there were a lot of forks just before going out. This was used by the ground rock rat to confuse the enemy.

Shi Duchang was initially afraid that he could not breathe underground, but he soon discovered that there were some pin-holes at intervals to ventilate and ventilate, and he didn't know how the rock rat got it.

I don't know how many forks I turned, the speed of the rock rat king slowed down.

Yun Chujiu asked with his consciousness: "Is it out of the range of Stone Mountain?"

The Rock Rat King gave a positive answer, saying:

"Walk for a while, we can go to the ground. Then, I saved you this time, can you cancel the contract with me?"

Yun Chujiu glanced at it: "What do you think? In the future, you don't ask questions that you know is no, and waste our time."

Earth Rock Rat King: "..."

The last thing he regretted in his life was to grab the fine stalagmites from Shi Duchang's fool. If time could go back, he would not do it even if he died.

It can bend and stretch, but seeing that there is no way to leave for the time being, it turns the topic interestingly:

"It has left the mountain tribe's sphere of influence. Are you going back to the mountain tribe or where to go?"

Yun Chujiu did not answer its question, but said to Shi Duchang:

"I'm guessing that when you used a secret method to upgrade the grade of your stone puppet, that person moved your mind and mind.

And he can place a vocal note when you offer Wanjing Stone, surely the cultivation behavior and status are not low, do you have any guesses about his identity? "

Shi Du's long head shook like a rattle!

"I thought about all the people I could think of in the tribe, but it was nothing like it."

Yun Chujiu frowned and said, "Are you sure that all the characters with heads and faces have thought of it?"

Shi Duchang said firmly: "I am also afraid that he will pit me, so this year, I have been trying to explore his identity.

I tried all the high-level people in the tribe, and found nothing.

I even suspect that he is not a mountain tribe, but ... "

Speaking of which, Shi Duchang looked around. In fact, he was superfluous. They are still in the tunnel at this time!

Even so, he lowered his voice and said, "I suspect that he is from the Tian tribe! Do you think, except the Tian tribe, who can have such a skill ?!"

Yun Chujiu's eyes flickered: "Since you suspect that he is from the Tian tribe, why should you cooperate with him? Are you not afraid to do harm to your mountain tribe?"

(End of this chapter)

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